This email serves as a reminder that Summer II Advising and Registration is scheduled for Thursday and Friday, June 24th and 25th between 9:00am and 5:00pm. Continuing students will visit their academic divisions to complete the advising and registration process. Registration for new students will occur in the lower level foyer of Rosenwald Hall.
Please make sure that your division has full coverage for both days. Your internal coverage list should be mailed to me (as well as Drs. Dawkins and Ballard-Huete) by Monday of next week. In preparation for this event, I am writing to share the following policies and procedures:
1. When the student arrives, faculty members should follow these steps to give a student registration access:
a. Login to MyDU @:
b. Click on the “Faculty” tab.
c. Click on the “Advisor” link (left-side of screen).
d. You’ll see the “Advisee Status,” “ID” and “Division” columns.
e. The “Term” is defaulted to the current term and “Division” is defaulted to “All.”
f. Click on the down arrow next to “Advisee Status.”
g. Next, click on “Need Registration Clearance.”
h. In the “ID” field, enter any ID or click on Search (to list all advisees) and press enter.
i. The advisee’s name will appear, along with four columns. Under the “Registration Clearance” column, click “Grant.” Make sure that you give access for Summer II (and Fall, if applicable).
j. The student can now register. This process should be done during the student’s advising visit.
k. Exit your MyDU.
2. Ask the student to sign-in to their MyDU to access the Course History.
3. Both the student as well as the faculty advisor must observe the following policies and procedures:
a. Students must complete the General Education requirements before moving into major courses.
b. All core courses and course repeats must have been successfully completed before assigning any upper-class or major-specific courses.
c. Students with less than a 2.0 GPA should register for no more than 12 – 14 hours.
d. Suspension and Probation students must complete failed/non-satisfactory courses before registering for other courses.
5. Ensure that a student has earned a minimum “C” grade in Foreign Language Courses before assigning them to the next level. Students should register as follows:
a. all seniors should register for the courses with the “0” (i.e., 101, 102, 201 or 202);
b. most juniors should register for the courses with the “0” (see your catalog); and
c. all freshmen and sophomore should register for the courses with the number “2” (i.e., 121, 122, 221 or 222)
5. After the student and faculty advisor agree on and enter the courses in the Course Request Form, allow the student to enter and confirm the schedule in MyDU.
6. The student should print a copy for their own file as well as one for the advisor. The Course Request Form should be signed by both student and faculty advisor, indicating that it is the mutually agreed upon schedule for the summer and/or fall.
7. The student and faculty advisor should sign and date the Course Request Form and the advisor should keep a copy of the Form as well as a copy of the schedule.
8. Ensure that the student logs out of MyDU.
This concludes the advising process. Remind students that the process is not complete until all fees are paid before the stipulated deadline.
Carla Morelon-Quainoo, PhD
Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment/Advising
National Director, Global Issues Honors Consortium
LOCATION: Dent Hall, Room 109
PHONE: 504-816-4788