Campus Compact is seeking presenters for our national conference May 19-21st in Dearborn, MI, “The Engaged Campus: Driving Innovation Through Partnerships.” We welcome proposals from presenters who will highlight innovative campus-wide, comprehensive partnerships that are changing the culture of institutions. For more information, see our Call for Presenters. We thank the Ford Motor Company Fund for their generous support of the conference.
The Engaged Campus: Linking Civic Engagement and Social Entrepreneurism WEBINAR($50/members, $100/non-members)
Thursday, February 14th, 2:00 pm EST (1 hour): REGISTER NOW!
This webinar will explore connections between civic engagement and social entrepreneurism and focus on areas for strategic alignment. How are institutions linking these efforts? Are there focus areas for greatest impact? What are the resources for connecting civic engagement and social entrepreneurism?
The fifth annual Summer Institute of Civic Studies
Tufts University, Medford, MA
The institute will be an intensive, two-week, interdisciplinary seminar bringing together advanced graduate students, faculty, and practitioners from diverse fields of study.
The daily sessions will take place from July 8-18, 2013, at the Tufts campus in Medford, MA. The seminar will be followed (from July 18 at 6 pm until July 20 at 3 pm) by a public conference--Frontiers of Democracy 2013--in downtown Boston. Participants in the institute are expected to stay for the public conference.
For more information, visit
5th Annual Connecting Campuses with Communities Events
Indianapolis, IN, May 13-17, 2013
This event will be broken into two parts, the Service Learning Institute (May 13 – 15) which is intended for community engaged scholars or practitioners who implement or support service learning curriculum design, and the Research Academy (May 15 – 17), which is intended for community engaged scholars or practitioners who undertake research or support research on service learning. Applications will be accepted until March 1, 2013.
For more information, click here.
Campus Compact awards are made possible by the generous support of the KPMG Foundation. We are actively seeking nominations for the Newman Civic Fellow award and accepting applications for the Thomas Ehrlich Civically Engaged Faculty Award. Please share widely.
Newman Civic Fellows are recommended by college and university presidents to acknowledge motivation and ability in public leadership. This award is designed to honor students who are engaged in systemic change. Each student who is nominated will become a Newman Civic Fellow, receive a certificate and join a national network of fellows from past years. Newman Civic Fellows awards are made in memory of Frank Newman, one of the founders of Campus Compact, who dedicated his life to creating systemic change through education reform. Please encourage presidents and chancellors to nominate a student today! The deadline for nominations is March 1, 2013.
The Thomas Ehrlich Civically Engaged Faculty Award recognizes one senior faculty member each year. Honorees are recognized for exemplary engaged scholarship, including leadership in advancing students' civic learning, conducting community-based research, fostering reciprocal community partnerships, building institutional commitments to service-learning and civic engagement, and other means of enhancing higher education's contributions to the public good. The award is named in honor of Thomas Ehrlich, former chair of the Campus Compact board of directors and president emeritus of Indiana University. For more information, click here. The application deadline is March 29, 2013.
Ernest A. Lynton Award for the Scholarship of Engagement for Early Career Faculty
Sponsored by the New England Resource Center for Higher Education (NERCHE)
The annual Ernest A. Lynton Award for the Scholarship of Engagement for Early Career Faculty recognizes a faculty member who is pre-tenure at tenure-granting campuses or early career (i.e., within the first six years) at campuses with long-term contracts and who connects his or her teaching, research, and service to community engagement. The award will be presented at the 19th Annual Conference of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU), “Transforming and Sustaining Communities through Partnerships,” which will be held fromOctober 26-29, 2013, at the University of Louisville in Louisville, Kentucky. To learn more about the Lynton Award, click here.
MacJannet PrizeSponsored by the Talloires NetworkPlease remember that the deadline for nominations for the MacJannet Prize for Global Citizenship is less than four weeks away! Nominations are due on 8 February 2013. The MacJannet Prize recognizes exceptional student civic engagement initiatives based in Talloires Network member universities around the world and contributes financially to their ongoing public service efforts. Visit the MacJannet Prize website for more information and to nominate a program.
Maggie GroveDirector of Operations
Campus Compact
45 Temple Place, Boston, MA 02111
T: 617-357-1881 x 207
Cell: 401-330-7162
F: 617.357.1889
educating citizens I building communities
The Dillard University Center for Teaching, Learning & Academic Technology Blog
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Friday, February 8, 2013
Resources and Updates for Campus Compact members
eClassroom News - 02/08/2013
Snapshot: This is how teachers use technology
Study seeks more effective teacher development
New website unpacks the Common Core standards for educators, parents
Digital Learning Now! releases guide to blended learning in time for Digital Learning Day, Digital Learning Now! (DLN) today released the fifth DLN Smart Series interactive paper with co-authors from Getting Smart and the Learning Accelerator. “Blended Learning Implementation Guide” provides education leaders recommendations for developing and implementing an effective plan to adopt a blended learning model that focuses on accelerating student learning for college and career readiness. “Blended learning has the potential to transform the factory-like structure of our current education system into a new model that is student-centric, highly personalized for each learner, more supportive of teachers, and delivers better results,” said John Bailey, executive director of Digital Learning Now! By harnessing the best of online learning and face-to-face instruction, blended programs can diagnose a student’s strengths and weaknesses, and support differentiated instruction where students can work at a customized level and pace. Teachers are also able to spend less time on routine tasks, like lesson planning and grading daily assignments, and more time working with students either one-on-one or in small groups. The implementation of a blended learning model is not another district initiative, but rather a systematic, phase change in the way that education is delivered. This process requires rethinking the way classes are scheduled, teachers are supported, and instruction is delivered. The paper guides school and district leaders through the process of successfully shifting to a blended learning model with a strategic and comprehensive plan. The newest addition to the Smart Series addresses everything from changes in roles and structures to staffing patterns, budgets and policy matters. The guide is also helpful to those wanting to gain an understanding of the transition that schools will go through in the years ahead. The authors intend to capture and update “Blended Learning Implementation Guide ” with best practices as schools make the shift to blended learning. Education leaders and practitioners in the field are encouraged to submit comments on the draft and engage with the authors through their websites, blogs and social media. Upcoming papers will delve into staffing, school finance and online learning. The DLN Smart Series, released in partnership with Getting Smart and the Foundation for Excellence in Education, is a collection of interactive white papers aimed at equipping policymakers and education leaders with the necessary tools for transforming education for the digital age. Each paper offers specific guidance regarding the adoption of Common Core State Standards and the shift to personalized digital learning. The first four papers in the series are available for download:
eClassroom News - 02/08/2013
eCampus News Digital February 2013
eCampus News Digital February 2013
Inside Higher Ed - 02/07/2013
American Council on Education
puts stamp of approval on Coursera courses from Duke, Penn and UC-Irvine --
none of which would grant credits themselves.
Newly released estimates from
the Congressional Budget Office say the Pell Grant is on better fiscal footing
than expected and postpone the funding crisis for a year.
Inside Higher Ed - 02/07/2013
Call for Institutional Proposals to Host the 2014 POD Leadership Development Institute
Call for
Institutional Proposals to Host the 2014 POD Leadership Development Institute
(Deadline: April 5,
About POD
The Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD) fosters human development in higher education through faculty, instructional, and organizational development. POD comprises nearly 1,800 members faculty and graduate student developers, faculty members, administrators, consultants, and others who perform roles that value teaching and learning in higher education. While POD members come primarily from the U.S. and Canada, the membership also represents many other countries.
The Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education encourages the advocacy of the ongoing enhancement of teaching and learning through faculty and organizational development. To this end, it supports the work of educational developers and champions their importance to the academic enterprise. For the full mission statement, see
Description and Goals of the POD Leadership Development Institute
Administrators are increasingly asking faculty developers to expand their services and provide leadership development for their colleagues. Even experienced faculty developers can find themselves facing new challenges when they think about providing leadership training for department chairs, deans and other key leaders. To address these challenges, every two years the POD Network will sponsor the POD Leadership Development Institute (LDI).
The Institute is designed to address the needs of faculty developers who have been asked to provide leadership training for faculty and academic administrators on their own campuses. The Institute will provide resources to get them started in planning, developing, and managing programs that will be effective in strengthening academic leadership at their own institutions. It also provides an opportunity for networking with experienced and new colleagues.
We encourage institutional proposals to host a mid- to late-June 2014 Institute to accomodate faculty developers on the quarter system and the semester system.
Target Participants
The target participants are typically those in or allied with the field of professional development for faculty. Participants who would benefit from the LDI include: teaching center directors; faculty developers and those charged with the task of establishing a professional development center; instructional designers who are new to the field or aspiring to positions of leadership; individuals responsible for organizing, directing or chairing committees for leadership development activities; and department chairs, deans, and others whose role involves leadership with faculty.
Responsibilities of Institute Chairs and Facilitators
Institute chairs and facilitators should be experienced POD members with rich, significant experience in leadership development in higher education. Institute chairs will:
· develop a rich program that provides attendees an opportunity to advance their understanding of academic leadership development.
· incorporate contemporary research and outside expertise into the experience.
· coordinate the logistics of a multi-day event for national and international attendees.
· Lead the publicity and recruitment efforts to attract attendees.
· Manage the expenses of the Institute in accordance with the proposed budget.
The 2014 POD Leadership Development Institute Submission guidelines
The following information must be included for the proposal to be considered complete. Questions regarding the submission guidelines may be sent to Suzanne Tapp (Chair, POD Professional Development Committee) at
Please email proposals as an attachment to POD’s Executive Director Hoag Holmgren at by 5:00 pm (Central) on April 5, 2013. The review committee cannot consider proposals submitted in hard copy form or incomplete proposals.
Required Information:
1. Name of Sponsoring Institution.
2. Location of Sponsoring Institution.
3. Name and Information for Institute Chair (or Co-Chairs).
Please include chair’s and, if applicable, co-chairs’ institutional affiliation, title, address, phone, email, summary of experience directly related to this type of event including event planning experience, and description of past POD Network involvement. Please include abbreviated CV(s).
4. Experience of the Additional Support Team Members.
Your proposal may include additional support team members who will be developing and working at the Institute. Please include institutional affiliation, title, address, phone, email, and summary of experience directly related to leadership development, faculty development, and event planning. Please indicate whether you intend to supplement your staff with part-time temporary help, particularly for administrative or event planning duties.
5. Names and Roles of Institute Facilitators.
Experienced POD members are typically recruited to serve as Institute Facilitators. These individuals volunteer their time: they do not receive an honorarium, although their hotel and travel expenses are paid out of the Institute budget. While recognizing that it may be difficult to confirm the guest facilitators in advance, it is important to indicate that thought has been given to names of possible facilitators. The collective experience and expertise of proposed Institute Facilitators should be diverse enough to meet the needs of participants from varying institutional backgrounds and levels of experience. Institute facilitators contacted in advance should not be requested to commit exclusively to a single proposal.
6. Guiding Rationale for Hosting the Institute.
Please provide a guiding rationale that addresses your vision and goals for the Institute and why your institution wishes to host. Highlight how your team strengths can help you realize your vision and goals. Proposal authors should be aware that the selection committee values geographic and institutional rotation among hosting institutions.
7. Outline and Schedule of the Proposed Program.
Please be clear about what you believe to be the most relevant content areas for your program, including the theoretical, guiding frameworks for your approach. Your proposed program should include interactive, research-based workshops as well as experiential training on the essential skills academic leadership development. The program should afford opportunities for participants to reflect on, process, and synthesize their learning throughout the Institute in order to develop meaningful leadership development plans for their institutions. Please include information about the instructional strategies to be used in delivering these workshops and program components as well as a rationale for the proposed strategies and formats.
8. Information regarding Proposed Location.
Please provide a description of the proposed site for the Institute including workshop space, hotel accommodations and food arrangements. Proposals should plan for approximately 30-35 attendees in addition to the Institute faculty and program support staff.
9. Proposed Timeline for the Planning of the Event.
Hosting a successful Institute is a substantial undertaking and requires careful advanced planning. Please provide a proposed timeline for the planning of the event including, but not limited to, reservation of accommodations and conference space, securing of faculty members, making transportation arrangements, publicity, and development of program materials.
10. Proposed Budget for the Institute.
This information may be compiled in spreadsheet format and should include projected revenues and expenses including, but not limited to, any salaries for part-time assistance (if necessary), travel expenses for Institute Facilitators, meals and accommodations, marketing, and program materials. The Institute is expected to pay for itself. All revenue collected that exceeds Institute costs—including repayment of the advance (see below)—will be split between the sponsoring institution (75%) and POD (25%).
An advance of up to $6,000 to cover start-up costs may be requested after July 1, 2013 from POD as part of this proposal. POD’s Core Committee must approve the advance. Within 60 days of the end of the Institute, the total amount of the advance will be subtracted from the Institute revenue and returned to POD.
11. Summary of Marketing Strategy.
Please include mock-ups of promotional materials with registration prices and demonstration of ability to handle online registration and marketing.
12. Description of Assessment Plan.
Please describe the plan for assessing the Institute’s effectiveness, including formal and informal practices that will be used to gather feedback during the Institute. For Institutions with previous hosting experience who wish to host the LDI again, we suggest including rationale and plans for incorporating feedback and improving the prior experience.
Assumptions and Agreements
The POD Network Executive Director will provide appropriate access to the POD mailing list for marketing purposes as well as appropriate digital materials (e.g., .jpegs of the POD logo for all electronic and print communications). The POD Network Executive Director will also serve as a contact person for the POD website and will assist in putting promotional materials on the POD website.
An advance of up to $6,000 to cover start-up costs may be requested from POD after July 1, 2013 as part of this proposal. POD’s Core Committee must approve the advance. Within 60 days of the end of the Institute, the total amount of the advance will be subtracted from the Institute revenue and returned to POD.
The sponsoring institution shall warrant that on delivery, all instructional materials for the Institute are appropriate, free of processing errors, and have copyright permissions secured. Institute materials will be in standard American English.
The Institute will cover its own expenses. When applicable, travel and lodging will be billed to the Institute at cost. Lodging and meals should be bid at the most economical rate possible, while insuring a positive experience for participants. Consideration will be given to proposals that offer the cost effective, quality options for participants.
Chairs and Institute Facilitators participate in the Institute as volunteers. Their travel, hotel and food expenses should be paid as a part of the Institute budget.
All revenue collected that exceeds Institute costs—including repayment of the advance (see above)—will be split between the sponsoring institution (75%) and POD (25%).
The Institute must be completed on the dates scheduled by the sponsoring institution and POD. Evaluation materials, recommendations for future institutes, and a final financial statement must be submitted to the POD Executive Director (Hoag Holmgren, no later than 60 days following event.
The sponsoring institution reserves the exclusive right to publish materials from the Institute upon written notification to POD Network of said publication. Any income (after expenses) from the publication of materials by the host institution shall be split between the sponsoring institution (75%) and POD (25%).
Call for Institutional Proposals to Host the 2014 POD Leadership Development Institute
Education Week FREE Webinar: Preparing Students and Teachers for the Common Core Assessments--A Case Study
Education Week FREE Webinar: Preparing Students and Teachers for the Common Core Assessments--A Case Study
The Degree 360: Social recruiting: How to use social media to land a job
Research shows that nearly 75 percent of companies check out potential candidates on social networks. And they're not just digging for dirt. More and more, HR execs and recruiters are turning to social networks to scout out promising job candidates, and with good reason. One recent study by Northern Illinois University professors found study participants could more accurately predict a candidate's likelihood to succeed in a particular job by browsing their Facebook profile than by evaluating detailed personality surveys.
Another study by professors at Cornell University found that job applicants were less likely to lie about past work experience on their LinkedIn profile than they were on a traditional resume.
So, can your social networks help you land a job? In this infographic, learn how recruiters are using social sites and how you can optimize your online presence.

Kirstin Swagman
Apr 4, 2012
Research shows that nearly 75 percent of companies check out potential candidates on social networks. And they're not just digging for dirt. More and more, HR execs and recruiters are turning to social networks to scout out promising job candidates, and with good reason. One recent study by Northern Illinois University professors found study participants could more accurately predict a candidate's likelihood to succeed in a particular job by browsing their Facebook profile than by evaluating detailed personality surveys.
Another study by professors at Cornell University found that job applicants were less likely to lie about past work experience on their LinkedIn profile than they were on a traditional resume.
So, can your social networks help you land a job? In this infographic, learn how recruiters are using social sites and how you can optimize your online presence.
The Degree 360: Social recruiting: How to use social media to land a job
REMINDER!!! NYU FRN Summer 2013 Applications Due Today!!!
for Network Summer 2013 Seminars, Summer Scholar-in-Residence and Fall/Spring
Scholar-in-Residence programs are due on Friday, February 8, 2013. New
this summer is the Leadership in Fundraising Institute – a detailed
description of this institute is now available on our website and is included
in an attachment to this email message. The application deadline for this
Institute has been extended to Friday, March 8, 2013.
information may be found on our website at:
Scholar-in-Residence information may be accessed at the link below:
Summer Scholar-in-Residence program information may be found at the link below:
and Spring Scholar-in-Residence information can be found at this link:
of our FRN institutions have expressed an interest in submitting flagship
campus application materials for our “Network for Understanding the New Europe”
program. The application deadline for this program is Friday, February
15, 2013. Please note: Those who are intending to submit an application
as a flagship campus also should submit a faculty application for the Understanding
the New Europe: Immigration seminar that will be convened by Sylvia Maier.
The seminar also is open to faculty members not participating in the flagship
program competition.
on the “Network for Understanding the New Europe” program may be found at this
let us know if you have any questions – we look forward to receiving your
Anne L. Ward
Assistant Director
Office of Faculty Resources
Faculty Resource Network
New York University
194 Mercer Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10012
P: 212.998.2351
F: 212.995.4101
Anne L. Ward
Assistant Director
Office of Faculty Resources
Faculty Resource Network
New York University
194 Mercer Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10012
P: 212.998.2351
F: 212.995.4101
Barbara M. Albert
Executive Assistant
Office of Academic Affairs
(504) 816-4216 (office)
(504) 816-4144 (fax)
REMINDER!!! NYU FRN Summer 2013 Applications Due Today!!!
Diverse Issues in Higher Education_Community Colleges Rise as Leaders of Technological Education
Diverse Issues in Higher Education
February 6, 2013
By Cherise Lesesne
Although the economy has slowly begun to piece itself back together,
several new college graduates and incoming college students still have found
themselves at a disadvantage in finding employment while holding liberal arts
degrees, and thus, have continued to incorporate graduate school as a
stepping-stone to either enter or elevate their career pursuits. Yet, instead
of opting for admissions into some of the nation’s most prestigious and
respected four-year institutions, many students have chosen community colleges
in order to market themselves as competitive and qualified job candidates.
Traditionally attributed with their prevalent role in accommodating
minorities and students from lower-income households, community colleges have
become esteemed higher education programs within the last five years, servicing
students from various backgrounds. With the community-oriented design of the
two-year colleges, particularly in their tailored curriculum to accommodate the
high demands of STEM careers, such institutions are reinventing themselves as
the leaders of technological education.
“A lot of the STEM fields are occupationally defined programs that lead
directly to employment. With many of our two-year associate programs, students
enter our colleges and immediately begin studying in the field that they plan
to work in,” said Chris Mullins, program director for policy analysis with the
American Association of Community Colleges (AACC).
The customized studies that students encountered at community colleges
has attributed largely to the surge of post-graduate students that the two-year
institutions have begun to withhold. According to the National Post Secondary
Student Aid Study (NPSAS), 8 percent of students entering community college
already completed some form of higher education, whether they received a
bachelor’s, master’s or sometimes even a doctoral degree. In the study, NSPAS
estimated that approximately 849,000 students received associate degrees during
the 2009-2010 academic year, which is a 50.4 percent increase from the last 10
years. Among the rising numbers of associate degrees awarded, there was a 105
percent increase in STEM-related fields during the same academic period.
Mullins explained that a large majority of students seeking advanced
training in STEM careers have found community colleges advantageous, especially
in the networks that they have gained from the school’s direct links to local
employers. “By having connections within local industries, it helps to make
sure our programs are in line with employer expectations, especially since
education is a large part of employment,” Mullins said.
Not only have community colleges been strategic for career placement in
STEM fields, but the economical advantage of the associate degree programs in
comparison to the baccalaureate programs have reverberated as strong selling
points for many students. The low costs of community colleges, averaging around
$3,000, compared to the $7,000 admission cost of four-institutions, have allowed
many students from low-income and middle-class families the opportunity to
partake in higher education in STEM fields, according to data from NSPAS. In
addition to saving on tuition fees, students in STEM fields with an associate
degree received similar salaries to those with a bachelor’s degree. The Bureau
of Labor and Statistics estimated that an entry-level aerospace engineer
holding an associate degree was liable to make an average income of $58,000 in
2010, which in some cases ranked well over the entry-level salaries of
graduates holding a bachelor’s degree.
As community colleges have assuaged the financial barriers for students
interested in pursuing STEM careers by offering lower tuition rates and higher
salaries, the institutions have created a strong incentive for students to
study STEM subject areas. As a result, the institutions have contributed to the
nation’s interest of creating a competitive technical education and workforce.
Celeste Carter, lead program director for the National Science Foundation
(NSF), explained that the nationwide initiative of higher education in creating
a globally competitive education system relies heavily on creating easier and
more accessible pathways into STEM fields. For this particular reason, both the
NSF and the AACC have joined forces to develop technological programs that
cater to community colleges. Their main program, entitled Advanced
Technological Education, is a congressionally mandated program that looks
specifically at community colleges to create partnerships between scientific
and technologically based companies and institutions.
“The idea being that to remain globally competitive, the United States
needs a qualified group of candidates entering the technical workforce. ATE
(Advanced Technological Education) is about technician education; it has to be
done in partnership with industries,” Carter said.
In regard to the education program, Carter elaborated, “It provided
students with programs that have been developed, almost all the time, a
collaboration with the scientific industry so that students graduating either
with an associate degree, or oftentimes just a certificate, have a real pathway
into these technical fields.”
According to Carter, many community colleges tend to hire industry
experts to teach as adjunct professors. As a result, the education that
students at such institutions receive is reflective of the authentic demands in
rigorous STEM fields.
“The main mission of community colleges has always been centered around
teaching, particularly teaching students what job skills are needed within
their communities. So, having these industry experts provides students with a
window into the industry, while also allowing those already employed students
to refresh their skills within the industry” Carter noted.
While community colleges, because of their economical benefits and
industry-specific curriculum, have acquired the responsibility of operating as
leading institutions for technological education, these schools also face
several challenges in serving STEM education. Historically, the two-year
institutions have always been underfunded, and thus, have been unable to
adequately support the enrollment growth that they tend to encourage. According
to Walter G. Bumphus, president and CEO of AACC, the financial disposition of
many of the institutions has inhibited the developmental education of community
colleges as dysfunctional. Bumphus said, “Degree and certificate completion
rates are too low and that attainment gaps across groups of students are
unacceptably wide.”
Bumphus further explained, “[Community college leaders] know that
student and academic support services often are inadequate. They know that student
career planning is too often uninformed and that the gap between the skills
needed locally and the training offered on campus is often uncomfortably
As a result, Bumphus recommended that community colleges focus on three
areas in order to progressively move forward as leading technological
institutions. First, community colleges should redesign the student’s
educational experience. This can be accomplished by “increasing completion
rates of students earning community college credentials [certificates and
associate degrees] by 50 percent by 2020, while preserving access, enhancing
quality and eradicating attainment gaps associated with income, race, ethnicity
and gender,” noted Bumphus.
Secondly, Bumphus recommended that the institutional role should be
reinvented by increasing college readiness and implementing preparatory
technological education programs at younger education levels. His third and
final recommendation for community colleges was to completely reset the system
level of the institutions. Community colleges should begin to target public and
private investors as a mechanism to increase financial support, which is a
common practice among the administration of four-year institutions. In
resurfacing and almost erasing the faulty system of two-year institutions,
administration can begin to evaluate the deficiencies and continue to create
effective policies for a school that prepares students for jobs with
family-supporting wages.
Bumphus predicts that by recognizing the challenges, and also the
opportunity at stake in creating a more globally competitive technical
education system and economic system, community colleges can reclaim its role
as an effective institution serving the local population.
Diverse Issues in Higher Education_Community Colleges Rise as Leaders of Technological Education
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