Table of Contents
How To Make Microsoft PowerPoint Work
A new book by Brits Duncan Peberdy and Jane Hammersley offers sound advice on using this software effectively.
BOOKS: Citizenship Across The Curriculum, eds. Michael B. Smith, Rebecca S. Nowacek, and Jeffrey L. Bernstein (Indiana, 2010)
A review profile by Executive Editor James Rhem.
ESSAY: The Mystery of Teaching
Vincent Kavaloski, Edgewood College
A professor of philosophy ponders a student's suicide and the effect of Kierkegaard and Kant.
LEARNING DIARY: Once More, with Feeling: Whole People and Partial Lessons
David S. Goldstein, University of Washington Bothell
Again, the power of affect demands its place in what we learn and teach.
PROGRAMS: Why Creativity? Why Now?
Hal Blythe and Charlie Sweet, Eastern Kentucky University
Can creativity be taught? Don't we need to try?
TECHPED: A Video Response to the Student Who Asks, "What Did I Miss?"
Michael L. Rodgers and Guohua Pan, Southeast Missouri State University
Maybe with video there's a better way to answer them beyond the security cam approach.
AD REM . . .: The Paralysis of Choice
Marilla Svinicki, University of Texas-Austin
As Thanksgiving should have taught us, sometimes you can just have too much on your plate.