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Friday, July 26, 2013

[News] from the National Resource Center: Session Proposal Submissions open for 33rd Annual Conference on The First-Year Experience

News from The National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition
National Resource Center

Conference Session Proposal Submissions now open
The 33rd Annual Conference on The First-Year Experience will be held February 15 - 18, 2014 in San Diego, California. The Annual Conference on The First-Year Experience provides an ongoing forum where higher education professionals can share experiences, concerns, and accomplishments related to supporting student learning, development, and success in the first college year. Visit for more information.
High-quality concurrent session, roundtable discussion, and poster session proposals are invited on topics addressing the myriad aspects of the first year of college. Proposals undergo blind review and are selected based on appropriateness of session topic, adherence to proposal guidelines, and overall quality of the proposal. Proposals will be accepted through October 11, 2013 at
The First-Year Experience Conference aims to promote a comprehensive and engaging community open to a diversity of ideas, in which all delegates are given the opportunity and resources to grow personally and professionally. The conference welcomes graduate and undergraduate students, encouraging them to deepen their knowledge of the academic communities of which they are a part. We invite you to be a part of productive collaborations, conversations, and relationships as we gather in San Diego.
Conference Highlights
  • Keynote and plenary speakers focused on critical issues in higher education today
  • Awards luncheon recognizing outstanding service to first-year students
  • Colleague clusters to facilitate networking
  • High-quality educational sessions in a variety of presentation and learning formats
  • Commercial and non-profit exhibits offering strategies and resources to support college transitions
Conference Structures Designed to Facilitate Networking
  • Primer for First-Time Attendees
  • Colleague Cluster Luncheon
  • Poster Sessions
  • Roundtable Discussions
Conference Co-hosts
  • Loyola Marymount University
  • Pasadena City College
  • San Francisco State University
  • University of California, Los Angeles
  • University of San Diego
  • York University, Canada
Upcoming National Resource Center Events:
Online Course: Introduction to Qualitative Research. September 16 - October 18, 2013
Online Course: Fostering First-Year Student Success. September 30 - November 1, 2013
20th National Conference on Students in Transition. October 19 - 21, 2013. Atlanta, Georgia
33rd Annual Conference on The First-Year Experience. February 15 - 18, 2014. San Diego, CA
Related National Resource Center Publications:
The First-Year Seminar: Designing, Implementing, and Assessing
Courses to Support Student Learning and Success

Volumes 1 - 5 available. $25.00 each / $100.00 set.
Thriving in Transitions: A Research-Based Approach to College Student Success
Laurie A. Schreiner, Michelle C. Louis, and Denise D. Nelson, Editors. $35.00
Crafting and Conducting Research on Student Transitions
Jean M. Henscheid and Jennifer R. Keup. $20.00
The mission of the National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition is to support and advance efforts to improve student learning and transitions into and through higher education. We achieve this mission by providing opportunities for the exchange of practical, theory-based information and ideas through the convening of conferences, institutes, and workshops; publishing monographs, a peer-reviewed journal, an electronic newsletter, guides, and books; generating and supporting research and scholarship; hosting visiting scholars; and administering a website and listservs.

National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition
1728 College Street | Columbia, SC | 29208 | Office: 803.777.6029 | Fax: 803.777.9358


Copyright Clearance Center FREE Webinar: Streamlining Your Organization’s Content Workflow

Streamlining Your Organization’s Content Workflow
Your employees need information. Fast. They also need the rights to share it with colleagues. Information managers are challenged with securing that information in the most cost-effective way.
Earlier this month Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) offered a preview of our integrated workflow solution that connects employees with content, and provides the rights to share that content and ultimately provides the tools to manage that content. For those who were unable to join us, we recorded the event for your to listen to at your convenience.
Streamlining Your Organization's Content Workflow
Listen to this webinar and learn how CCC’s integrated workflow solution can:
  • Quickly connect you to published content
  • Optimize your content investments
  • Simplify copyright compliance
This session was presented by Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), the rights licensing experts. Learn how CCC's enterprise content workflow solution can benefit your company. Click to Learn More, or Contact Us at +1.978.750.8400, option 3.


 Copyright Clearance Center
222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA, 01923, USA




Call for Submissions: POD Network News

Dear POD colleagues:

The deadline for the fall edition of POD Network News is August 10, 2013. In an effort to keep the style consistent and streamline the design process please follow the Submission Guidelines below.

 ·         Submissions can be sent electronically as attachments in Word to the editor at

·         Submissions should be written in the active voice and be free of spelling and grammatical errors.

·         Photos are encouraged (JPG format; 600x800 pixels).

·         Submissions may include formatting (bold, italics, etc.). Paragraphs should be indented and single spaced. Authors are asked to:

1.       Use APA style for source citations and references. See guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition.

2.       Use full names of colleges and universities and include location (i.e., University of Colorado at Boulder).

3.       When referring to cities include the country as well (i.e., the 37th Annual POD Conference was held in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.).

4.       Define acronyms.

5.       Use gender free language.

6.       Include a byline (name of author) at the end.


Dr. Amanda G. McKendree
Assistant Director
Kaneb Center for Teaching and Learning
University of Notre Dame

"The Kaneb Center supports the pursuit of teaching excellence by stimulating scholarly reflection and conversation about teaching and encouraging the adoption of practices that enhance learning."


Cengage Learning eNewsletter: Gearing Up for Next Term

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Cengage Learning eNewsletter
Topic of the Week :

Gearing Up for Next Term

Getting ready for the fall? This week’s posts at the Cengage Learning Blog offer tips for getting the new term off to a great start. Join us at the Blog.
This Week's Featured Topics :

What Every Educator Must Do Before Walking
Into the Classroom This Fall:
Take Stock, Gear Up, Then Rock It Out!

Bridgett McGowen-Hawkins offers three reflection questions that can help you create a roadmap for a successful Fall term. Read More »

Helping Students Get Up and Running on Your Course's LMS

Take these straightforward steps to familiarize your students with the format, content, and key functionality of your school’s learning management system. Read More »

Crafting an Effective Syllabus

Review Dr. Christine Harrington's research-backed suggestions for constructing a syllabus that becomes a helpful resource and reference for your students. Read More »

Tips for Using Lecture Aids Effectively

Hoping to make the most of your presentation tools? Read this list of suggestions, which can help you use them for maximum effectiveness. Read More »

The College Catalog: A Guide on Students' Academic Path

By reviewing these points, students can come to view the college catalog as a tool that provides critical knowledge for the first year of college and beyond. Read More »
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