Keeping Up: Social
Networking and Higher Ed Archive and Chat Transcript #TLTGFrLv 20120323
Posted: 27 Mar 2012 04:03 PM PDT
In this special FridayLive!, our open,
insightful "Keeping Up" Panel takes on Social Networking - options
and issues for higher ed.
"Keeping Up" panel: Charles Ansorge,
Steven Bell, Ilene Frank, Lisa Star, Jane Harris, Beth Dailey, Jane Marcus,
and Steve Gilbert
Text Chat Transcript - including links - Below
Text Chat Transcript
David McCurry, TLT Group: (13:44) Welcome back to Friday Live!
Spring 2012. We have over 160 registered participants today, and the maximum
room capacity of 100. We will allow guests to enter only 5 minutes after the
beginning of today's session. Thanks for your patience and support.
Charles Woods: (13:46) Charles Woods, Library Systems,
University of Waterloo
David McCurry, TLT Group: (13:48) Hi Charles.
Quinten Vervecken: (13:50) Quinten Vervecken, Brepols
Publishers, an academic publishing house from Belgium
Beth Dailey: (13:50) Good afternoon from Beth Dailey, Faculty
Training Specialist, EDMC
Loretta Kucharczyk: (13:51) Loretta Kucharczyk, Intentional
Academic Advisor at Prairie State College in Illinois.
Cathy Swift: (13:55) Cathy Swift - MERLOT
Kelley Cotter: (13:56) Kelley Cotter--Drexel University
David McCurry, TLT Group: (13:56) Hi Cathy.
Dale Parker: (13:56) Dale Parker I registered but the system
would not take my password. Senior Faculty Cambridge College Spfld MA
Charles Ansorge, University of Nebraska, Lincoln: (13:56) Charles
Ansorge, semi-retired professor, University of Nebraska.
Eugenia McAllister: (13:57) Eugenia McAllister, New
Information Services/Librarian Paine College
StevenB: (13:57) Steven Bell, assoc univers librarian at Temple U
Kelley Cotter: (13:57) is the "airspace.mp3" the funny audio
I'm hearing or is there something wrong?
David McCurry, TLT Group: (13:58) @Dale. Your password is longer than 32 characters (an Adobe
quirk). Next time, I will ammend your password to just the username part of
the email address (everything before the @ symbol). Just use that for the
Cathy Swift, MERLOT: (13:59) Hi, David
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (13:59) airspace is the music in the background -
let's you know your audio is working while we wait for the session to start.
Dale Parker: (13:59) ok tlt gave me the password
Quinten Vervecken: (13:59) audio is fine!
Paul Witman: (13:59) Paul Witman, Cal Lutheran University, Director MS-Info
Systems and Undergrad Business programs
Kelley Cotter: (14:00) What I'm hearing is not music. So, I suspect something
might be wrong...hmm..
Paul Witman: (14:00) Got music here in So CAl
David McCurry, TLT Group: (14:00) Yes, we use the email address as username
and password to make it simple. In a few cases, it is a problem. We are working
on a solution.
Ted Baldwin: (14:00) Ted Baldwin, U of Cincinnati
Dale Parker: (14:00) music here I am on a train
LINDA JOFFE: (14:00) Linda , online English instructor for 3 colleges, live
in Ft. Lauderdale
Kelley Cotter: (14:00) Got it!
Cynthia Charles: (14:03) Cynthia Charles Dillard University Library here!
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:03) And maybe even how you learned about this
and decided to join us today!
Emory Maiden III: (14:03) Emory Maiden - Appalachian State Univeristy
Susan Tsiouris: (14:03) Susan Tsiouris, Widener University, Chester, PA
Jeanette Hatherill: (14:03) Jeanette Hatherill University of Ottawa Library
Lindsey Sikora: (14:03) Lindsey Sikora - University of Ottawa, Canada
Amy Sheehan: (14:03) Greetings from St. Paul, MN
Ilene Frank: (14:03) Ilene Frank - retired academic librarian still teaching
online courses for UMUC and doing some other things as well. I'm in Tampa
Jodi Grebinoski: (14:03) Jodi Grebinoski-Univ. of MN Duluth
Herb: (14:03) Herb Coleman, Austin, TX
Keri Cascio: (14:03) Keri Cascio wit a group from the Linda Hall Library of
Science, Technology & Engineering
Emily G: (14:03) Happy Friday from New York, NY
Elisabeth Knight: (14:03) Elisabeth Knight WKU KY
Mary Francis: (14:03) Dakota State University, Mundt Library
Judy Bastin: (14:03) Judy Bastin - Butler Community College, Kansas
Cynthia Greenan: (14:03) Cynthia Greenan. Librarian with Portal of Geriatric
Online Education ( New
York, NY
Stephanie Wells: (14:03) Stephanie Wells, Capilano University, Vancouver
British Columbia Canada. I teach Marketing and Promotions
DeeAnn Allison 2: (14:04) DeeAnn Allison, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
Laura Robinson: (14:04) Indiana University Optometry Library--GO
HOOSIERS!!--NCAA Sweet 16!
Russell Grooms: (14:04) Russell Grooms - Horry-Georgetown Technical College.
Myrtle Beach, SC
Amy T Losordo 2: (14:04) Amy T Losordo, Meredith College, Raleigh, NC,
Academic & Career Planning
Kelly Gonzalez: (14:04) Kelly Gonzalez, UT Southwestern Medical Center
Judy: (14:04) Judy Mavodza, Zayed University, UAE
Jordana: (14:04) Hi all, Jordana King here from Citizenship and Immigration
Canada in Ottawa
Debora Stewart: (14:04) Debora Stewart, Reference Librarian, Palm Beach
Atlantic University, West Palm Beach, FL
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:05) @Judy - I really enjoyed visiting UAE
univs. about 10 years ago. Very impressive!
Peter Greco: (14:05) Peter Greco, CIO, Regis University...Hi all!
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:05) We did this last week register
and come early!
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:05) If you have to come in as a guest, please
use your first and last name!
Judy Mavodza, Zayed University, UAE: (14:06) Steve, its even more impressive
LINDA JOFFE: (14:07) Judy, I was a presenter at TEND2000, hosted by HCT. Were
you in the UAE then?
Judy Mavodza, Zayed University, UAE: (14:08) Linda, unfortunately I was not.
Hope you will visit again.
lindsay bureaux: (14:09) Lindsay Bureaux, Western Washington University - is
anyone else's audio stream repeating words?
Steven Bell, Temple University: (14:09) SteveG - at a conference last week a
presenter discussed "guerilla tech" - which was basically the same
as idea as LTAs - but i believe he had not previously encountered the LTA
David McCurry, TLT Group: (14:09) @lindsay. Not here.
Eric Werth: (14:10) Hello from Boise, ID
Cathy Swift, MERLOT: (14:10) ooooohhhh.. bad pun :-)
Sims Kline: (14:11) Sims Kline, Research Librarian, Stetson Univresity, DeLand,
Florida. Glad to be here.
Angela: (14:11) Amen!
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:12)
Pam Howe: (14:12) Pam Howe UNCG
Henry: (14:13) Guest - Henry Merrill
Sims Kline: (14:13) Help!
Emily A: (14:13) Emily Alschbach, Research & Instruction Librarian,
Stanford Graduate School of Business Library. Happy to be on as well!
Ilene Frank: (14:13) LOL!
Beth Dailey: (14:13) that's funny
Angela: (14:13) Angela van Barneveld, Purdue University
David McCurry, TLT Group: (14:13) No thanks!
Cathy Swift, MERLOT: (14:13) Gee, I had to wear my own socks
Gerry McKiernan: (14:13) I got my pair in late February ...
Pam Howe: (14:14) oh something to look forward to - new socks
Laura Robinson: (14:14) My husband had his this morning--and was excited
about keeping the socks! Thanks for sharing!
Jane Harris, UNC Greensboro: (14:15) Present
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:16) And accounted for! - Welcome Jane!
Sims Kline: (14:16) Net Smart (read insidre), Amazon:
Sims Kline: (14:16) (read inside)
Eugenia McAllister: (14:17) I'm not seeing any slides/ Got everything else,
no slides
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:18) @Eugenia - strange - best bet, logout &
in again (quickly before we fill up the room).
Eugenia McAllister: (14:19) Okay
Sims Kline: (14:19) New buzz word in Net Smart---"infotention" = "attention
to information"; also chapter on "Crap Detection 101"
Charles Ansorge, University of Nebraska, Lincoln: (14:19) Book by Guy
Kawasaki entitled, "What the Plus." Available Kindle and iBook for
Cynthia Greenan: (14:20) Can't choose 3? only 1
Emily G: (14:20) Poll 3 - I can only select one. :\
Ilene Frank: (14:20) It's only letting us vote for one.
Ilene Frank: (14:21) Lots of Facebookers!
Amy T Losordo 2: (14:21) LinkedIn - other
Cynthia Greenan: (14:21) Yeah, can vote for 3 now
Quinten Vervecken: (14:21) what about
Laura Robinson: (14:22) Yes--LinkedIn
Glenn Everett: (14:22) LinkedIn
Angela van Barneveld, Purdue University: (14:22) Yes - LinkedIn
Eugenia McAllister: (14:22) I see everything now. Thank you!
Judy Mavodza, Zayed University, UAE: (14:22) Where is poll 1?
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:22) Linked In Other for me also... should be
another link.
Herb: (14:22) I'd be interested in the gender breakdown
Cynthia Greenan: (14:22) Pinterest is relatively new - not surprising it's
the lowest awareness
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:22) Poll 1 is not showing yet.
Cathy Swift, MERLOT: (14:23) Maybe if you use the term, "in
teaching." I think a lot of people use it for personal uses.
Katie King: (14:23) linkedin
Amy T Losordo 2: (14:23) You tube
Cynthia Greenan: (14:23) foursquare?
Quinten Vervecken: (14:23)
Keri Cascio: (14:23) Tumblr
Kelley Cotter: (14:23) Delicious
Ted Baldwin: (14:23) yes, foursquare
Emily G: (14:23) Instagram ;)
Glenn Everett: (14:23) Slideshare
Herb: (14:23) Flickr
Angela van Barneveld, Purdue University: (14:24) Is social media different
than an information sharing site --- like YouTube, SlideShare?
Jane Marcus: (14:24) Hi - I'm here! - Jane
Paul Witman: (14:25) Should have "none of the above" as options on
Polls 4 & 6
Amy T Losordo 2: (14:25) Want to use FB to increase student participation in
events, workshops, etc.
Jane Harris, UNC Greensboro: (14:25) poll 6 - need email and texting
Paul Witman: (14:25) Agreed re Poll 6 e-mail
Steven Bell, Temple University: (14:26) add meetings
LINDA JOFFE: (14:26) Possible that, for example, a you tube video goes
viral--via social networking.
Sims Kline: (14:26) Another buzz-phrase in Net Smart:" participatory one in which a significatnt protion of the population, not jsut
a small professional guild, can participate in the production of cultural
materials ranging from encyclopedia entries to videos watched by others. And
it is a culture populated by people who believe they have power."
Quinten Vervecken: (14:26) Social medium <=> social network
Charles Ansorge, University of Nebraska, Lincoln: (14:26) Wikipedia
definition: Social media includes web-based and mobile technologies used to
turn communication into interactive dialogue.
Quinten Vervecken: (14:27) network implies interaction
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:27) @Paul - good point re: "none of the
above" option - would you like to say more.
Dale Parker: (14:27) Good idea Amy using FB for learning
William Vilberg: (14:27) Social Media: websites and applications used for
social networking.
LINDA JOFFE: (14:27) : Possible that, for example, a you tube video goes
viral--via social networking.
Quinten Vervecken: (14:27) medium is a platform
Kelley Cotter: (14:27) Web-based services where users can...1. Construct a
profile 2. Specify groups of other users with whom they share a connection 3.
Share information
Paul Witman: (14:27) In the sense that none of the options in Poll 6 are
distractions for me.
William Vilberg: (14:27) Social Networking: the use of dedicated websites and
applications to communicate informally with other users, or to find people
with similar interests to oneself.
Charles Ansorge, University of Nebraska, Lincoln: (14:27) YouTube can also be
kept semi-private to limit the audience.
Cynthia Greenan: (14:27) Good points made. Social Networking is a small part
of Social Media
Glenn Everett: (14:28) Does the adjective "social" imply
Laura Robinson: (14:28) Like VoiceThread--can share media and add video and
written comments to each slide
Sims Kline: (14:28) OK, how about F2F: is Face to Face an example of "social
media" probably not, since where is the media ? Not sure...
Cynthia Greenan: (14:28) Glenn - I say no.
Jane Harris, UNC Greensboro: (14:28) Agree with Paul ---- it's email for me
and perhaps for others, it's texting?
Dale Parker: (14:28) email for me too
Susan Tsiouris: (14:28) I agree with Paul W. None in Poll 6 distract me from
what I should really be doing.
Sims Kline: (14:29) Take away: there is a lot of media out there.....too much
media ?
Glenn Everett: (14:29) Cynthia -- but Facebook is the most popular and also
the #1 distraction
William Vilberg: (14:29) You don't "find people with similar
interests" via email, so I don't think it should be included.
Michael Dabney: (14:29) The New York Times online is a major distraction for
me. Email is a big distraction.
Elisabeth Knight: (14:29) I'm most curious about the fact that most of these
social media involve very small chunks of information which can be imparted,
and how we can incorporate using these limited info opportunities for
Cynthia Greenan: (14:30) Glenn - True. Facebook is mostly used for personal
use, but it can be used professionally too. Doesn't mean that "Social
Media" is non-professional. LInkedIn is social media, but very
professional oriented
LINDA JOFFE: (14:30)
Jane Harris, UNC Greensboro: (14:30) A point that Rheingold made is: Social
media does not compel inattention – it’s just that we don’t have good
attention skills.
Herb: (14:30) I use Pinterest and Flipbook a lot
Cynthia Greenan: (14:30) What is the SWG in Flipbook? (Am I the only one
thinking Star Wars Galaxies?)
Quinten Vervecken: (14:31) flipbook: social reader
Cathy Swift, MERLOT: (14:31) Why you should be on Pinterest -
Glenn Everett: (14:32) Cynthia -- the distinction between facebook & linkedIn:
LinkedIn is overlooked in the discussion because it's a professional
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:32) Steven W Gilbert
Emily G: (14:32) RIP Google Wave ;)
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:33) Right you are Chuck - It is sunsetting in
April. We even did a Friday Live! exploration of Google Wave.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:33) SWG = Steven W. Gilbert AND Star Wars
Cynthia Greenan: (14:33) Glenn -- Right. But I used it as an example of how
not all social media is non-professional.
Dale Parker: (14:33) lol
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:33) FULL COPY OF THIS TEXT CHAT will be avail
incl. links at
Cynthia Greenan: (14:33) lol =)
Herb: (14:34) had a momantary crash but back up
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:34) @CathyS - want to speak a bit about
Pinterest? have mic?
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:34) Google+ is already showing much more
potential than we were able to see in GWave
Cathy Swift, MERLOT: (14:34) sure
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:34) @Herb - do you want to use the mic for
something now?
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:34) OK - I'll ask Cathy Swift to speak next
Herb: (14:35) I can address Pinterest
Susan Tsiouris: (14:35) what was the name of that book?
Angela van Barneveld, Purdue University: (14:35) Useful in what way? Just for
contact? Educational value?
Eugenia McAllister: (14:35) Name of the book please
Cynthia Greenan: (14:35) I think that's the right pronunciation
Charles Ansorge, University of Nebraska, Lincoln: (14:35) Book by Guy
Kawasaki entitled, "What the Plus." Available Kindle and iBook for
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:36) We hear you Cathy - loud & clear.
Eugenia McAllister: (14:36) Thank you
Susan Tsiouris: (14:36) Thanks!
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:36) @CathyS - been on Pinterest 2 weeks - I
think that makes you an old hand!
Cynthia Greenan: (14:36) Pinterest = like a visual Delicious
Kelley Cotter: (14:36) except Pinterest is visual-based
Emory Maiden III: (14:37) heard copyright concerns exist in pinterest
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:37) @Cynthia - how about adding a sentence or
two about Delicious - and its successors/competitors?
Kelley Cotter: (14:37) copyright concerns exist everywhere on the web :)
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:37) @Emory - I too was going to mention the
current controversy.
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:37) re: copyright concerns.
Emory Maiden III: (14:37) this seems a little differenct in TOS
Cynthia Charles: (14:37) Can't see slides.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:37) CathyS - MERLOT personal collections ....
Cynthia Greenan: (14:37) I've been using Pinterest to research things in my
personal life. I have a board for a Halloween costume I'm planning. Pictures
that inspire me.
Emily G: (14:37)
Steven Bell, Temple University: (14:38) A library could create boards in
Pinterest of new books received on particular topics - such as a board for
psychology or one for education
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:38) @cynthia - only the polls are showing
Cynthia Greenan: (14:38) Successors/Competitors - I don't really know.
Emory Maiden III: (14:38) @Emily - yup - good link
Cynthia Charles: (14:38) OK!
Kelley Cotter: (14:38) Pinterest is, unfortunately, still in the early stages
and lacks a lot of functionality it could have
Kelley Cotter: (14:38) but it has potential
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:39) @Steven Great idea!
Henry: (14:40) videos on Pinterest as well
Cathy Swift, MERLOT: (14:40) But more than images, it takes you to the
original website for information. Some people do publish just photos.
Cathy Swift, MERLOT: (14:40) Good addition, Herb
Cynthia Greenan: (14:41) My fashion designer friend uses pinterest to collect
images in a particular genre for inspiration
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:41) Can anyone provide links to some esp. educ.
interesting Pinterest collections/sites?
Sims Kline: (14:41) If social media are addictive, when do the 12-step
programs start ? Ask the psychologist.....
Cathy Swift, MERLOT: (14:41) :-)
Cynthia Greenan: (14:42) If you join pinterest, they recommend some people to
follow that are influential in areas you're interested in
Cathy Swift, MERLOT: (14:42) To create your own collection you have to have
an account
Emory Maiden III: (14:42) Terms of Use : “You acknowledge and agree that you
are solely responsible for all Member Content that you make available through
the Site, Application and Services
Cynthia Greenan: (14:42) I think you have to log in to comment or participate
Kelley Cotter: (14:43) there is virtually no privacy controls, which is my
main concern with Pinterest
Ilene Frank: (14:43) Pearson has some suggestions about ways to use Pinterest
in education
Cathy Swift, MERLOT: (14:43) I just started this one on higher education:
LINDA JOFFE: (14:43) Won't use FB at all!
Cynthia Greenan: (14:43) Your mic is cutting out
Sims Kline: (14:44) Not able to enter poll response.
Jane Marcus: (14:44) i don't use it AT ALL -- I'm afraid of opening the
Cathy Swift, MERLOT: (14:44) Also on apps:
Sims Kline: (14:44) OK
Herb Coleman, Austin, TX: (14:44)
David McCurry, TLT Group: (14:44) Sounds OK here (mic)
Charles Ansorge, University of Nebraska, Lincoln: (14:44) Mic is fine.
Emily G: (14:44) I hear you OK
Cynthia Greenan: (14:44) It's better now, but what was your question?
Glenn Everett: (14:44) That's why I avoid FB
Sims Kline: (14:44) Yes.
Sims Kline: (14:44) I can tell you.
Jane Harris, UNC Greensboro: (14:44) don't use it, basically
Sims Kline: (14:44) Mike on ?
William Vilberg: (14:44) Use multiple accounts for different roles/hats.
LINDA JOFFE: (14:44) Jane, Glenn--that's what I meant!
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:44) I figured out how to have my Tweets link
w/ Facebook so I was updating status simultaneously (1 less update)... still
don't have time for most of these... too busy.
Emily G: (14:44) I feel it's difficult to intentionally go use Facebook
professionally/"less distracting" because the people on your social
networks are usually friends/family
Ilene Frank: (14:44) Yep, we can hear
Sims Kline: (14:44) Yes.
Cynthia Greenan: (14:44) Not really a way to use it JUST for education. It
will always be distracting
Herb Coleman, Austin, TX: (14:45)
4 ways to use Pinterest in education
Cathy Swift, MERLOT: (14:45) I like William's idea about multiple accounts
for different purposes
David McCurry, TLT Group: (14:45) Sims, click on the mic icon at the top.
David McCurry, TLT Group: (14:45) Turn it green
Emily G: (14:45) So the information you read on your News Feed is typically
*not* professional, unless your Facebook is strictly professional and your
only friends are colleagues/professionals
Dale Parker: (14:45) I just skim through twice a week to keep up with family
I am not interested in what everyone eats for dinner
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:45) @SimsK - 12 Step program for Facebook
Dale Parker: (14:46) The planning groups are most useful i.e. family reunion
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:46) @SimsK - "refreshed" FaceBook -
deleted all his friends and started over with very limited selection so that
only "new" added friends could find him!!!
Emily G: (14:47) Haha, sneaky!
Laura Robinson: (14:47) I have a FB group for my student employees--we post
info and things such as someone who needs a shift covered....all their
schedules and contact info is posted in this PRIVATE group so that anyone can
access it at any time from anywhere. That way I am in FB but only using it
for work purposes if I just leave it open to that group.
Sims Kline: (14:47) I needed therapy....
Glenn Everett: (14:47) This discussion suggests the need for a separate app
for educational-related social media.
Glenn Everett: (14:47) If not a spearate app, then something that doesn't
open the FB floodgates.
Cynthia Greenan: (14:47) Laura - good way to keep it from being distracting
Jane Harris, UNC Greensboro: (14:48) do you mean for professional or personal
purposes or both?
Herb Coleman, Austin, TX: (14:48) 2 hours just flies by on social media
Sims Kline: (14:48) In fact, no one on Facebook can ever find me. If you have
no Friends, and only Friends can find you, you are total stealth....agreed,
this is radical, but it gives you free-reign to use Facebook as a
ready-reference databse.
Herb Coleman, Austin, TX: (14:48) I teach on the weekends
Glenn Everett: (14:49) Jane -- I'm thinking of targeted uses, like contact
with students.
William Vilberg: (14:49) 10 MINUTES LEFT!!!!!
Dale Parker: (14:49) Setting up groups for classes is a great idea
Sims Kline: (14:51) What are the implications of blurring work time and
personal time ?
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (14:51) The most recent issue vis a vis Facebook
are the interview question (via NPR) where individuals were asked to give out
their login and password for Facebook to potential employers.
Cynthia Greenan: (14:52) On Twitter, I have a personal and a professional
account. I don't hide that - you can find both. But i keep the topics I
discuss and people I follow separate.
Jane Harris, UNC Greensboro: (14:52) Interesting- I spoke with a young
faculty member who has friended all his students and sees no problem with
Jane Harris, UNC Greensboro: (14:52) Used to be that we recommended against
Herb Coleman, Austin, TX: (14:52) I've warned my staff about the dangeres of PInterest
compulsion and the possibiltiy of NSFW images.
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:52) NSFW?
Cynthia Greenan: (14:52) (Not safe for work)
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:52) thanks
Cynthia Greenan: (14:53) Most want to gain: More community with peers.
Reaching more people professionally
LINDA JOFFE: (14:53) As an online instructor, I'm looking for ways of more
personable interaction.
Glenn Everett: (14:53) Suggests a blurring of roles -- personal vs
professional -- that many have in the past wanted to keep very separate.
Quinten Vervecken: (14:53) feedback on work in progress
Eugenia McAllister: (14:54) I do not want to lose the
universsal/international knowledge I'm learning.
Sims Kline: (14:54) If I were going to get more involved in social media (I'm
not sure I will) I would want most to gain a better understanding of a few of
my friends and colleagues interests and concerns.
Laura Robinson: (14:54) Most cherish the connections with long-lost friends
and family who live away from me--don't want to lose those precious
Henry: (14:54) new app for formal or informal learning courses -
Jennifer Dekker: (14:54) more integration with academic communities
Sims Kline: (14:54) I don't wan't to lose the face-to-face, unique elements
of personal communications.
Cynthia Greenan: (14:54) Don't want to lose: My personal time. I work M-F 9-5
and I want to keep it that way.
William Vilberg: (14:54) Gain: Find new sources/models to follow.
Laura Robinson: (14:54) Most want to gain professional connections in the
field I am pursuing.
Herb Coleman, Austin, TX: (14:55) The thing I want tomost gain from Soc Med,
in more information and connection.
William Vilberg: (14:55) Cherish: Interaction at a personal as well as
intellectual level.
Jane Harris, UNC Greensboro: (14:55) I don't want to lose the sight of the
forest for the trees....but feel that, in a way, it's already gone.
Beth Dailey: (14:55) gian - connections with colleagues
Herb Coleman, Austin, TX: (14:55) I most chereish the connections aand hate
losing time.
Beth Dailey: (14:56) not want to lose: time for reflection
Sims Kline: (14:56) I see social media as a "gorilla at the door" for
time management.
Glenn Everett: (14:56) It makes it hard to resist the idea that one is only
truly dedicated to work if one is working and available FAR more than 40 hrs/
Jane Harris, UNC Greensboro: (14:56) @Sims - and a sense of priorities and
focused thought.
Sims Kline: (14:57) Find a few social network platforms, get really familiar
with them, use them effectively, but don't try to "dabble" in lots
of different platforms.....otherwise you will soon be quite overwhelemd.
Sims Kline: (14:57) overwhelmed.
Cynthia Greenan: (14:57) recommend to peers -- Twitter. Back channels at
meetings are invaluable. People have discussions and take notes on the
meeting hashtag
Herb Coleman, Austin, TX: (14:57) Don't feel like you have to "freind"
your students on your personal Soc. Med sites. Don't feel like you have use
Facebook or Twitter in you class.
Dale Parker: (14:57) Most colleagues never thought of using social networking
for higher ed and I will be presenting the idea at a faculty meeting
Charles Ansorge, University of Nebraska, Lincoln: (14:57) Sims makes a very
good point that I agree with.
Sims Kline: (14:57) Concentrate on the "majors" : Facebook,
Twitter, Google +
Jennifer Dekker: (14:57) i second twitter for those reason @Cynthia
Beth Dailey: (14:58) I'd like to explore using pinterest as a place to house
ideas related to topics I'm exploring
Ted Baldwin, U Cincinnati: (14:58) cherish how social media inspires creative
thinking, but hard to maintain focus with many platforms and changes
Cynthia Greenan: (14:58) Herb - good point. Choose the social media platform
that best works for your purpose. Don't use it just because it's cool
Beth Dailey: (14:58) I'd like to explore pinterest to find examples that i
might bring into my classes
David McCurry, TLT Group: (14:59) Please consider becoming an Individual
Member, with benefits for our workshops and symposium events.
Cynthia Greenan: (14:59) Could we get a soundoff of everyone's social media
handle? Would be maybe interested in finding some of you on twitter for
Ilene Frank: (14:59) @ifrank on Twitter
Laura Robinson: (14:59) In teaching let the content drive the
technology/media--not the other way around!!
Cynthia Greenan: (14:59) @cynthiagreenan on Twitter
Emily G: (14:59) @egover2
Kelley Cotter: (14:59) @kelleyhastwoes
Cynthia Greenan: (15:00) (or @gealach on twitter if you like video games or
live in NYC)
Charles Ansorge, University of Nebraska, Lincoln: (15:00) cansorge on
Eugenia McAllister: (15:00) Young librarians like myself we follow professor
who teachi with social media. My feedback is to stay up todate with
information. Enjoyed and thank you.
Laura Robinson: (15:00) Eugenia--who do you follow?
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:00) How would we focus more narrowly in another
session on social media etc?
Eugenia McAllister: (15:00) Stanby...
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:01) Back Channel activities - legit, nonlegit -
Derek Bruff et al?
Emily G: (15:01) I'll be sure to follow all the Twitter handles on here --
definitely an interesting discussion
Eugenia McAllister: (15:01) Sorry, Stand by...let me get the name...
Cynthia Greenan: (15:01) I need to run to a meeting, but I'll check the chat
log later. Thank you all. Great discussions.
Laura Robinson: (15:01) Standing (sittint) by..
Emory Maiden III: (15:01) @evmaiden on twitter
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:02) Focus more on how much/little in what ways
faculty and student interact within social networking platforms (esp
Dennis Johnson: (15:02) @denbrarian
Glenn Everett: (15:02) Steve -- How about managing the use of social media in
the instructor-studetn relationship
Cathy Swift, MERLOT: (15:02) @MERLOTorg
Herb Coleman, Austin, TX: (15:02)
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:02) Blurring personal/professional boundaries -
managing the boundaries
Jordana: (15:02) @jordana_king. Thanks for an informative session!
Emily G: (15:02) Yes, I heard that on Marketplace Radio
Emily G: (15:02) Bananas!
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:02) Ethical issues ... legal?
Cathy Swift, MERLOT: (15:03) There have been a number of articles about the
Facebook with interviews and new jobs.
Dennis Johnson: (15:03) Thank you
Ilene Frank: (15:03) I know it's tough times - but I can't imagine going to
work for a place that wanted my Facebook password.
Jane Harris, UNC Greensboro: (15:03) nice cartoon is the last New Yorker in
which an interviewer asks an interviewee to hand over her facebook acct and
interviewee says "sure, if you do too"
Glenn Everett: (15:03) Are there FERPA issues when faculty friend students?
Emory Maiden III: (15:03) Senator drafting bill to prevent potential
employers from requiring Facebook logins
Emily G: (15:03) I read today that Facebook is going to start pushing
lawmakers to protect their users from others asking for their passwords (as
of right now there are no legal repercussions for businesses asking/taking
Ilene Frank: (15:04) Of course I work in a state (Florida) that just passed a
law allowing randomized drug tests on state employees (sigh)
Jane Harris, UNC Greensboro: (15:04) @Glenn - I am thinking that ethical
issues might be more likely?
Sims Kline: (15:04) I spoke with a poli sci student last night who's working
on an internship report. He's interning with a municipal government agency. He's
been tasked to write a policy, which will be adopted soon by ordinance, for
Facebook for the local government. What amazed me in talking with him was
that he had discovered that the legal issues about this are still emerging
and there is a lot of uncertainty. Application: if a professor works in a
public university, to what extent is that faculty member's social media
input, etc. ar "public records,' particularly in light of the face that
the faculty member is using publicly purchased computer equipment.....
Jane Harris, UNC Greensboro: (15:04) @Sims - very good pt...
Herb Coleman, Austin, TX: (15:04) Let's try the flipped classroom and send
out links to the sites before the session and then spend session time
discussing them?
Emily G: (15:05) We could continue the discussion with a Twitter chat as
well, if we choose to designate a hashtag
Laura Robinson: (15:05) Herb, I like that idea very much.
Dale Parker: (15:05) Good idea Herb
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:06) @HerbC - if we try the "flipped
classroom" approach how can we succeed better than many faculty complain
about student/participants NOT taking advantage of the preparatory
instructional rexsources?
Jane Harris, UNC Greensboro: (15:06) In the corporate world, where they can
track every click, this is already the case.
Ilene Frank: (15:06) Can't your systems admins already know what you are
using on your work computer?
Herb Coleman, Austin, TX: (15:06) My daughter works in the private sector ans
they cannot go to or use any social media on the work computers...Only email.
Sims Kline: (15:06) Ha ! I bet they are.....
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:06) @CharlesA - How will institutions, if at
all, attempt to control "inappropriate" social networking
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:07) Steve mentioned "There's an App for
that" Friday Live! session, here's the link to that:
Dale Parker: (15:07) I am like Charles semi retired always on the web
Beth Dailey: (15:09) I heard some good examples of how these aps are being
incorporated into learning activities. It would be great to share more
examples of this nature
Sims Kline: (15:10) Illustration of a principle: it is likely that any
technology can be abused. This means we need to be on the alert for how to
work with technology without compromising certain core values.
Jane Harris, UNC Greensboro: (15:10) Our new security system blocks certain
sites such as porn etc
Emory Maiden III: (15:10) many students are using smartphones for fb twitter
Emory Maiden III: (15:10) seems like a silly policy
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:10) But can they tell what exactly is going
on and whether it is educationally related Chuck?
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:10) Could we run a session in which people are
urged/invited/required to "exchange" specific resources - like the
lnks Beth mentioned?
Charles Ansorge, University of Nebraska, Lincoln: (15:11) Absolutely silly
idea but not beyond the whelm of what might happen in the future.
Herb Coleman, Austin, TX: (15:11) Years ago we had to block MySpace in our
computer labs because students couldn't police themselves and refused to
relinquish compters for students to do classwork.
William Vilberg: (15:11) 100 people sharing one thing would take HOURS!
Charles Ansorge, University of Nebraska, Lincoln: (15:12) @Bonnie. No. there
is not a way of determining what kind of activity is occurring. That's
probably why there will never be an attempt to limit social media.
Beth Dailey: (15:12) Maybe we could start with one example from a handful of
different aps and then have people build on that
Jane Harris, UNC Greensboro: (15:12) As long as the pedagogical or work-benefit
is the driver, that makes good sense to me.
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:12) @Chuck - my thougths exactly!
Sims Kline: (15:12) Thanks for today's session.....lots of implications, new
tools, new pathways.....
William Vilberg: (15:12) One fascinating thing for me to is to see HOW people
use the tools. I would like to see someone show their pinterest site and talk
about it.
Cathy Swift, MERLOT: (15:13) This was great. Thank you. Gotta run.
Jane Harris, UNC Greensboro: (15:13) @William - aggreed!
Emily G: (15:13) Gotta head out -- thank you everyone!
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:13) @William - good poin - we might want to
narrow things down just a bit. Perhaps a better question is which of the
things we talked about today would any of YOU like to demo/present?
Beth Dailey: (15:13) Good ideas Steve
Charles Ansorge, University of Nebraska, Lincoln: (15:13) I really like the
idea of focusing on educational uses for social media.
Jane Harris, UNC Greensboro: (15:14) Agree with Chuck.
LINDA JOFFE: (15:14) @Charles, I agree.
Pam Howe: (15:14) thank you everyone
LINDA JOFFE: (15:14) Twitter for class use?
Debora Stewart: (15:14) Thanks!!
Laura Robinson: (15:14) Ditto on sm in ed.
Beth Dailey: (15:14) Yes, I would like to see a pinterest example
David McCurry, TLT Group: (15:15) Thanks everyone.
Beth Dailey: (15:15) I have never used the Merlot personal interest list
LINDA JOFFE: (15:15) Twitter for class use?
Laura Robinson: (15:15) Thanks so much everyone, I, too must sign off! I'm
looking forward to more on the subject in the near future!
Beth Dailey: (15:15) I have never used Twitter as a back channel
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:15) STEVE - I just gave William the mic.
Beth Dailey: (15:15) yes
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:15) his hand was raised
Jane Harris, UNC Greensboro: (15:16) I think it would be interesting to have
a social media space where we can share just quick ideas about use of
specific tech for education - good examples - as well as useful readings etc.
Henry: (15:16) I dropped
into the chat earlier because it is designed to connect instructors with
students using SN tools. It is new and FREE and designed by a team that has
worked with Sakai Project as well.
Beth Dailey: (15:16) Yes, I agree Herb
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:17) CAN WE FIND A WAY TO SHOW HOW SOMEONE
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:18) @Henry - good potential tool Are you
using it? Would you like to demo it's use?
Beth Dailey: (15:18) I meant Bill, I like what you are saying
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:18) @Henry continued...(or did you want
someone else to?)
Eugenia McAllister: (15:19) Follow-up to the colluge who asked who I
follow...UWM Con Ed class, Rice University, UMASS, webinars and Educause.
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:19) @Jane - interesting idea - where do you
think we should do this?
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:20) See examples of materials and hear the
users describe their experience!
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:20) Build off of the blog.??.. links out??...
somewhere else???
Emory Maiden III: (15:21) think he wants more "why" less "how
Jane Harris, UNC Greensboro: (15:21) @Bonnie- I am not really sure....Google+
Circle? It needs to be searchable and tagged...not sure if it needs to be a
push tool
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:21) @William - good point, I think Friday
Live! always benefits from the demo of how tech is used in teaching/learning
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:21) (not just straight demos).
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:23) BillV - we should try focus on teaching,
learning AND PROF. DEV
William Vilberg: (15:24) @Emory - Exactly. More "Why" and less "How
to". Not necessarily an exposition of "Why" as much as a tour
that will show me "Why."
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:25) @Jane - hmmmm.... Google+ might be a good
idea, w/ circles? We could certainly have a session where several of us
jumped on (and shared the screen). - perhaps we could simulate a small
webinar or office hours.
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:25) Henry: I dropped into the chat earlier
because it is designed to connect instructors with students using SN tools.
It is new and FREE and designed by a team that has worked with Sakai Project
as well.
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:27) @ Henry - we would love to see this shown
in a Friday Live!
Henry: (15:27) Sarah Zike is the best contact - I'll let her know
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:27) let us know:
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:28)
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:29) Google+ Circles for .... "social
media" .... "FridayLive!" .... "MERLOT personal
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:30) @ Chuck - Agreed
Henry: (15:30) I like that last idea!
Beth Dailey: (15:30) Good idea Charles
LINDA JOFFE: (15:30) Thanks for a wonderful, professional presentation. Another
reason to look forward to Fridays! :)
Jane Harris, UNC Greensboro: (15:30) I am interested in this as particularly
related to teaching and learning.
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:31) Hope everyone has a lovely, lovely
weekend. We will be sure to have some followup sessions based on your input
and ideas today.
William Vilberg: (15:31) I would like more of Sally's singing!
Charles Ansorge, University of Nebraska, Lincoln: (15:31) Thanks for settiing
this up Steve.
Jane Harris, UNC Greensboro: (15:31) Thanks everyone - great session.
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:31) thanks Bill!
William Vilberg: (15:31) In weeks past...
Beth Dailey: (15:31) Great session
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:31) Actually - the thunder and lightning and
downpour just started here in Greenville, SC
Beth Dailey: (15:31) Yes, I would love to hear Sally sing :)
Henry: (15:31) Best wishes for a great weekend.
Scott Whiting: (15:31) Thank you very much for inviting me to this session.
Beth Dailey: (15:32) The socks were enough for me ;)
Henry: (15:32) Been there - done that X2
William Vilberg: (15:32) XOXOXOXOX
Gerry McKiernan: (15:32) Put them on Pinterest ...
Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group: (15:32) The recording has been stopped.
Beth Dailey: (15:32) that is funny
Gerry McKiernan: (15:32) {:-)
Gerry McKiernan: (15:32) Sure ...
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:32) Glad to have you all
Gerry McKiernan: (15:32) Thank You !

