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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

EmergingEdTech: 5 Ways Google Glass Can Be Used in Education



5 Ways Google Glass Can Be Used in Education

Google's innovative visual technology will have many interesting applications for education.

Google recently announced winners of its Google Glass contest, most of which were celebrities and famous Twitter users. The technology is poised to go main stream once it’s released to the masses. Among all the possible consumers of Google Glass, the device has the potential to bring exciting new possibilities to teachers and and students alike ...
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Education Dive: Harvard spied on employees even more than previously reported

Education Dive
April 3, 2013
The Ivy League school's dean revealed a previously unmentioned second round of March e-mail searches Tuesday night.
Dive Interview: Dinesh Thiru, Udemy's vice president of marketing, tells the story behind his company's new online learning play in the App Store.
Features of Stanford's Class2Go platform will be integrated into the edX Learning Platform.
The selected schools range from universities to community colleges and public to private in both urban and rural locations.
Two April hackathons will target apps and female developers.
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