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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Now Available (Free Access): ebrary’s Natural Disaster and Extreme Weather Searchable Information Center

Now available and permanently free to access and use.

The ebrary Natural Disaster and Extreme Weather Searchable Information Center features “hundreds” of government documents “related to natural disasters and extreme weather.”

Access to the material is available at:

“While government agencies house some of the world’s most pertinent information, it is not always easy to search and find the information you need online, especially across multiple websites. Additionally, downloading PDFs, a format used by many government and other agencies for their most important documents, can be extremely cumbersome and frustrating,” said Kevin Sayar, President of ebrary. “Using DASH! (Data Sharing, Fast), and other ebrary services, our staff was able to very quickly and easily aggregate PDF content and develop our new Natural Disaster and Extreme Weather Searchable Information Center.

Features Include:
+ Multiple options for searching, navigating, and browsing.
+ Ability to copy/paste and print text with automatic citations and URL hyperlinks back to the source.

Sources Include:
+ Federal Emergency Management Agency
+ International Tsunami Information Center
+ Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)
+ National Drought Mitigation Center
+ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
+ National Weather Service
+ U.S. Department of Homeland Security
+ U.S. Fire Administration
+ U.S. Geological Survey
+ other authoritative sources

Source: ebrary
See Also: H1N1 Information Center from ebrary (Also Free) -
See Also: If you don’t have access to ebrary through your school, company, or other organization, check out ebrary Discover.

Access to Over 20,000 Full Text Books, New Material. Pay only 25 cents per page to print or copy. Read, for free, as much as you like online.

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