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Friday, May 4, 2012

Dillard University CTLAT Faculty Mini-Grant Program May 2012


We are once again sponsoring a “Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Research Institute” funded through the UNCF/Andrew Mellon Teaching and Learning Grant.  We propose to host this institute May 16 - 18, 2012 on campus.  It is a 2-1/2  day institute to expose both our faculty and other schools to the following select objectives:

(1) Increase faculty interest in teaching and learning through SoTL and Faculty Learning Community principles
(2) Provide consultant support to faculty for investigating and utilizing new strategies in classroom research as well as Experimental research
(3) Increase publication submission rates for participating institutions

We are requesting that you join us in this retreat that focuses on tips for successful publishing.  The goal is to assist faculty in submitting a research project for publication before classes start in August.  We are asking that you focus on research that you have already begun so that at the end of the institute you would be ready to submit to a referred journal.  Faculty Learning Community/SoTL mini-grant teams consisting of two (2) collaborating faculty members whose articles are successfully submitted will be paid a stipend of $3,000.00.   

This institute proved to be a great opportunity for junior and senior faculty who needed the concentrated support to assist them in getting published.  Dr. Kathy Burlew, University of Cincinnati, will once again be conducting the institute here at Dillard University.

We ask that you complete the attached application and return to Barbara Albert, by May 11, 2012.  Faculty members who have submitted an application and those submitting applications for a mini-grant are required to attend the 2-1/2 day research institute.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there.

Phyllis W. Dawkins

Phyllis W. Dawkins
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Barbara M. Albert
Executive Assistant to the Provost
Office of Academic Affairs
(504) 816-4216 (office)
(504) 816-4144 (fax)




(For Tenure Track Faculty Only)

Scholarship for Teaching and Learning (SoTL) MINI-GRANT PROGRAM

Dr. Steve A. Buddington, Dr. Eartha Lee Johnson and Dr. Dorothy J. Smith




Faculty Learning Communities (FLC)/SoTL Research Mini-Grants

FLC defined:    A faculty learning community (FLC) is a cross-disciplinary group of 6-15 faculty and staff engaging in an active, collaborative, yearlong program researching teaching and learning strategies (Milton D. Cox, Miami University, Ohio, 2004).:

*The current pedagogical and research types of FLCs at Dillard consist of:

·         Active Learning

·         Critical Thinking

·         Student Engagement and Global Studies

·         Student Learning Communities in the Sciences

·         Using Clicker Technology

·         Faculty Research/Creativity

* Faculty members may create their own FLCs in consultation with a CTLAT committee member (s).  Please note that the newly created FLC requires approval in order to receive funding from the faculty enhancement program and upon final submission should include: description, references, and other pertinent information e.g. team leader, member (s), etc. 

Purpose of the Mini-Grant: The purpose of the Faculty Learning Communities (FLC)/SoTL Research Mini-Grants program is to provide seed funding primarily for tenure tracked faculty members to conduct original research or artistic creation disseminated through publication(s), exhibitions, and performances.  The intention of the program is to encourage FLC groups/teams, *current or **newly created to use this seed funding as leverage to establish or expand a sustainable research agenda. 

FLC groups/teams “comprising of at least two (2) faculty members” from the Humanities and Social Sciences are especially encouraged to apply as acknowledged in the Mellon Foundation Grant Proposal. This grant application is a competitive process.

The Review Protocol: The grant applications will be reviewed by a committee composed of senior members of the faculty respected for their grantsmanship and research portfolio. We are seeking to build upon the current grant with the intent to encourage more faculty members in the areas of the humanities and social sciences to become engaged in research by using FLCs model.  

Grant Award(s): Amount: minimum $1000/faculty member from each Faculty Learning Communities/SoTL groups/teams will be awarded in 2011 – 2012 grant year. 

Disbursement Criteria of Award: The research mini grants will be awarded as stipends on a competitive basis once the research manuscript has been submitted for publication in a refereed journal or some other final creative product that is peer reviewed, e.g. exhibitions, artistic show.


1.       Qualifications.  The competition is open to full-time tenure track faculty members who will remain on the faculty during the upcoming academic year, 2013-2014. Proposals SHALL only be accepted from FLC groups/teams, comprising of the required minimum of two faculty members. Proposals may have Fall start dates or Spring start dates.   

2.       Amount.  Investigators may request up to $1,000.00/faculty.

3.       Expenditures.  Allowable expenditures include, but are not limited to: stipend, travel, equipment, supplies, software, and books.

4.       Deliverable.  It is expected that the deliverable of this project will be a paper submitted for publication in a refereed journal or some other final creative product that is peer reviewed, e.g. exhibitions, artistic show, etc.


1.       Proposals shall not exceed seven pages total in length. The cover sheet shall not exceed one page, the narrative shall be no longer than five pages, and the budget shall not exceed one page. The proposal should be typed in word format and in 12 point font size.

2.       All proposals should include a cover sheet with the title of the project, the names, academic titles, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers of all investigators. All members of the FLC must be identified e.g.  principal investigator, team leader (s), member (s) of the proposal must be specified. The PI will receive all official correspondence. The cover sheet must also state whether the start date of the project is at the beginning of the Fall or the beginning of the Spring. (Form attached)

3.      All proposals must include a detailed line-by-line item budget with justification on a separate page. (Form attached)

4.       Abstract of Project-Include an overview of the conduct of project (200 words maximum)

5.       The project narrative should include subheadings describing the intellectual merit of the project- stated purpose and significance of the research/project, hypothesis/research question/statement of creative vision, methodology, explanation on how the research/project will impact/benefit the community(broader impact) and the faculty and student development, explanation of how the project will be sustained beyond the initial funding to include potential other funding sources (e.g. BOR, NSF), how will the data be distributed to or shared with the community (e.g. Journal,  exhibitions, etc.) (See attachment)

6.       Proposals will be subjected to a blind review. Cover sheets will be removed before proposals are distributed to reviewers. Identifying information should not appear anywhere in the proposal except on the cover sheet.  An individual proposal number will be assigned to each proposal application. The grant proposals will be reviewed by a committee composed of senior members of the faculty respected for their grantsmanship and research portfolio.

7.       Include  Bibliography

8.       Any deviations from the required format may result in disqualification.


Deadline for Submission 5:00 p.m.:  Friday, May 11, 2012  - FINAL EXTENSION - for a Spring start date and Friday, October 12, 2012 for a Fall, 2012 start date.

It is anticipated that the investigators will be notified by 5:00 p.m. Friday, March 20, for the Spring semester start date and Friday, October 19, 2012 for the Fall semester start date.

Disbursement Criteria of Award: The research mini grants will be awarded as stipends once the research manuscript has been submitted for publication in a refereed journal or some other final creative product that is peer reviewed, e.g. exhibitions, artistic show.

All investigators awarded funds will be required to turn a report into the Office of Academic Affairs documenting how the funds were used and providing a progress report on the status of the final publication/presentation.

Progress Report: The progress report is due Friday, November 2, 2012 for projects with a Spring start date and due Friday, March 15, 2013 for projects with a Fall start date. 

Final Report: Final proof of manuscript submission to a refereed journal or some other final creative product that is peer reviewed, e.g. exhibitions, artistic show is due on Friday, February 8, 2013 for a Spring start date and Friday, June 7, 2013 for a Fall start date.


Any questions can be forwarded to Drs. Steve Buddington (504-816-4178) and Eartha Johnson (504-816-4429) at and, respectively or Dr. Phyllis W. Dawkins, Provost and Director of CTLAT, at (816-4368) or to. (See the attached list). 


Proposals should be submitted electronically to Drs. Buddington/Johnson, CTLAT Coordinators and the Provost, by e-mail, as a Word attachment, no later than 5:00pm on the due dates.






 PROPOSAL #__________________                                                                         (Assigned at time of submission)

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:                          100 Possible Points

A.     Intellectual Merit

1.       Is there a clearly stated purpose and significance of the research/project?        _________ of   15

2.    Is there a clearly stated hypothesis/research question/statement                          _________ of    5      

 of creative vision?       (Expected Results)

       3.     Research Plan/Activity (qualitative/quantitative data)                                               _________ of   20

                a. How sound is the methodology?


       4.    Is there value of the research/activity to the applicant’s and                                      _________ of   5
               student development? 


       5.     How will the research impact the community- What are the benefits?                 _________ of  10

                a. Is it publishable?

b. What is the broader impact?


       6.     Bibliography                                                                                                                                     _________of   5


 B. Potential Competitiveness

       1.     What is the likelihood that funding of project will result in competitive              _________of   10

                status for outside support (e.g. BOR, NSF, etc.)?


2.       Does the proposal demonstrate that the project can be sustained                           _________of   10

                beyond the initial funding period?

C.  Appropriateness of the Budget

      1.      Budget is reasonable for the scope of work to be performed                                     _________of  10


      2.      Budget demonstrates a detailed and appropriate use of funds                                 _________of   10

                a. It is written in a clear line-by-line item format.


TOTAL SCORE A thru C                                                                                                                            _________ of  100

The CTLAT Committee will evaluate, score, and rank proposals based on the criteria stated above and make funding recommendations to the Director, who will seek final approval from the Provost.


PROPOSAL #_________________________________(Assigned at time of submission)

Please indicate the project schedule preference below:

Spring 2012____________________________                                                            Fall 2012 _________________________________

FLC Team Leader/Principal Investigator (PI):___________________________________________________________________

Department_____________________________ Rank: (i.e., Asst., Assoc., Prof., etc.) _________________________________________

E-mail address:____________ Phone #’s: Office ________________________Home_____________________Cell_______________

Joint Proposals (List all):

Co-PI(s) __________________________________________________Rank: _______________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________ Rank: _______________________________________________________


Department(s) (List All) _______________________________________________________________________________________________

*Additional Names (List here)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 Please list additional individuals on an extra sheet with their rank) (i.e., Asst., Assoc., Prof., etc.)

Title of Project:

This project will use (check what is applicable):

_______Animal Subjects (IRB required)                                                 ______Biohazards/Human Blood

_______Human Subjects (IRB required)                                                ______Recombinant DNA

_______Radiation/Isotopes/Lasers                                                          ______Controlled Substances

_______Additional Space Allocations                                                       ______Student participation

Resources Requested:       

1.       Amount Requested from Dillard University$_________________

2.       Budget Summary (include the line budget with application)

a.       Travel         $_______________

b.       Operating  $_______________

c.       Other          $_______________

d.       Total:          $________________

Applicant’s signature: Indicates agreement to the stipulations listed in the Application Instructions. 

 Applicant’s Signature_______________________________________________________________________Date_____________________


PROPOSAL #________________(Assigned at time of submission)


  1. Material and Supplies:                                                                                                  $______________


  1. Travel:                                                                                                                                 $______________

  1. Equipment:  List                                                                                                              $______________

  1. Software:     List                                                                                                               $_____________

  1. Books:                                                                                                                                  $_____________

  1. Conference                                                                                                                        $_____________



  1. Publication/                                                                                                                      $_____________

Presentation/Creative work   

Project display Cost:

  1. Stipends:                                                                                                                             $____________

  1. Other:  List items                                                                                                            $____________

Justification of Budget: By-the-numbers: (Use extra sheet if need to and indicate here)


Project Narrative:    Proposal #_______________________________________

Abstract:   Proposal #___________________________________________________

Center for Teaching, Learning, and Academic Technology


Phyllis Worthy Dawkins, Director

Johnson, Eartha Lee
DUICEF Building, Room 231 -  816-4429;816-4701
Okpalaeze, Azubike
Howard House, 816-4779
Hobbs, James
Howard House, ITT, Room 106 - 816-4872
Jean-Perkins, Ramona
DUICEF Building,  Room, 234- 816-4091
Smith, Dorothy
DUICEF Building, Room 214 -  816-4527
Carla Morelon
Rosenwald Hall, Room, 301 -  816-4165
Darwish, Abdalla
Professional Schools Building, Room 324 -  816-4840
Charles, Cynthia
Will W. Alexander Library, Room, 2nd Floor - 816- 4263
Broadway, Ruby
Stern Hall Room, Room 122G - 816-4725
Buddington, Steve
DUICEF Building, Room 233, 816-4178;816-4701
Dawkins, Phyllis Worthy
Academic Affairs, Room -  816-4662;816-4664

Center Coordinators

Buddington, Steve
DUICEF Building, Room 233 - 816-4178; 816-4701
Johnson, Eartha Lee
DUICEF Building, Room 231 -  816-4429; 816-4701


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