The AAUP’s Journal of Academic Freedom(
seeks scholarly articles relating to the topic of academic freedom and
globalization. How is the expansion of US higher education around the world
and the increasing international integration of academia affecting academic
freedom? In what ways, conversely, is the globalization of higher education
transforming academia within the United States, shifting and impinging upon
traditional notions of academic freedom?
Some of the topics that
might be germane to this discussion include:
- Academic
freedom at satellite campuses such as NYU-Abu Dhabi and Yale-Singapore.
How does the expansion of the liberal university into such authoritarian
states affect its mission and the forms of academic freedom enjoyed by
scholars at such institutions?
- From
the Occupy movement in the US to the uprisings in Chile, the last year
or so has seen a wave of student protest. These protests have often
targeted the increasingly privatized, corporate character of education
around the globe. In what ways have these protests highlighted issues
relating to academic freedom? How, for example, has faculty control of
curriculum been inflected by these apparently economically driven
- The
Palestinian Boycott Divest Sanctions (BDS) Movement picked up steam and
generated significant controversy in recent years in the US and Britain.
The AAUP rejects this campaign, largely on the grounds of academic
freedom. Can a case be made for endorsing the campaign without
infringing academic freedom? How might the previous history of academic
boycotts inform our perspectives on this issue?
- Around
the globe, austerity is being imposed on academia in the wake of the
Great Recession. What is the impact of specific austerity measures on
academic freedom? Where can we look to see how things might be done
- During
the last year, so-called Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) have
exploded in popularity, with large international student subscriptions
to both for-profit and not-for-profit online courses offered by elite US
private institutions such as MIT and Stanford. What is the impact of
such MOOCs on education and academic freedom in developing nations?
The due date for papers
on the topic of academia and globalization is January 31, 2013.
In addition to accepting
scholarly papers relating to this topic, theJournal of Academic Freedom continues
to welcome submissions on eclectic topics.
Electronic submissions
should go to and must include an
abstract of about 150 words. The journal uses the sixteenth edition of
the Chicago Manual
of Style and authors should anticipate that if their article
is accepted for publication, it will need to be put into Chicago style.
Ashley Dawson,
Editor, Journal of
Academic Freedom
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AAUPNews: Call for Papers: Academic Freedom and Globalization
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