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Monday, August 23, 2010

Magna Online Seminar: Online Group Work: Making It Meaningful and Manageable

Collaborative assignments often elicit a negative reaction among undergraduate students. But in the eyes of potential employers and in academics, they are vitally important. With the increasing popularity of online courses, instructors need to have clear, effective methods of creating, implementing, and grading group projects. Group projects are not “one size fits all,” but applying proven techniques can make them a “win-win.”

Change the perception and the results with Online Group Work: Making It Meaningful and Manageable. When explained, implemented, and graded effectively, online group projects can be among students’ most satisfying and valuable academic experiences. This 60-minute audio online seminar covers every element of the process.

• Teaching students HOW to work in asynchronous groups
• Creating assignments that meet academic needs and function within the online framework
• Changing the perception of group work by increasing student investment, and getting the virtual classroom to “buy-in”
• Streamlining structure and supervision to manageable levels
• Showing students efficiencies in group work, allowing better use of cognitive energy

Plus an in-depth look at the Web 2.0 tools vital to the online group project experience. And the benefits don’t end with the seminar. Attendees will have access to checklists, rubrics, additional readings, and guidelines for every step.

Experienced presenter
Dr. Jean Madernach is a true innovator in online instruction. Her research and published work focuses on enhancing student learning through new assessment techniques and teaching frameworks. She currently serves as professor of Psychology and Online Learning at Park University.

A Crucial Topic
The seminar is designed for faculty, course designers, instructional technologists, online administrators, and others involved in the online course experience. And with Magna Online Seminars, it is possible and affordable to invite the whole team. Pay just one fee per site, and set up in a room that fits the group, whether it’s a small office or large auditorium.

Featured Speaker: Jean Mandernach, PhD

B. Jean Mandernach, Ph.D. is associate professor of Psychology and research associate for the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Park University. Dr. Mandernach received her Ph.D. in social psychology from University of Nebraska at Lincoln and has spent the majority of her career studying the scholarship of teaching and learning. As a full-time telecommuter teaching undergraduate psychology courses online, time not spent in the virtual classroom is dedicated to research on enhancing student learning through assessment, innovative online instructional strategies, evaluation of online faculty, fostering student engagement and the promotion of critical thinking.

CD $219
Transcript $99
CD/Transcript $269

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