August 8, 2012
Dear Colleagues:
back to another year of encouraging
and strengthening teaching, providing support for faculty research, and
enhancing our teaching mastery through discipline-based pedagogy. Last semester
was tough on all of us, and I thank you for all of your hard work and support
thus far. I invite you to become more engaged this year as we embark on another
challenging academic year and chapter in providing professional development
opportunities through the Center for Teaching Learning and Academic Technology
sponsored by the Andrew Mellon Foundation.
This year, we will again provide
opportunities for faculty mini grants, support for faculty travel, faculty
sabbatical, learning communities, hybrid and campus workshops, seminars and
other opportunities that promote the scholarship of teaching and
learning. Applications for mini grants, travel, sabbatical, etc. will be
posted on the DUCTLAT Blog. It is our goal this year to have the majority
of our faculty as members of the DUCTLAT Blog community. The book we are
asking faculty to read (some of you may already have it) is the “Oz
Principle.” For those of you who do not have a copy we will provide you
with a copy on August 16th.
The Faculty Institute will cover
three days: August 14, 15, & 16 2012. The Quality Enhancement
Plan Faculty (QEP) will meet on August 14th in
DUICEF 106 (Computer Lab) at 9:00 a.m. Live Text Training will begin at
1:00 p.m. This workshop is for faculty teaching general
education courses in English, Math, AWS and Biology.
August 15 & 16, 2012 all faculty are expected to be
present for meaningful dialogue and presentations by excellent presenters as
15, 2012
p.m. Dr. Anthony
DePass, an Independent Consultant, Asst. Vice President for Faculty Research
Development at Long Island University, “Effective Grant
16, 2012
a.m. Dr. Virginia S. Lee, Senior
Consultant, Former President, Professional & Organizational
Development (POD) Network in Higher Education, Inquiry-Guided
“New Directions for Teaching and Learning”
p.m. Dr. Jay Caulfield,
Independent Consultant, Associate Dean, College of Professional Studies,
Marquette University, Blended Teaching and Learning Hybrid and Blended Courses
A continental breakfast, lunch
(Wednesday only) along with coffee/snack breaks will be served. Kearny
Dining Hall will be open during this time so we ask that you make arrangements
for lunch on your own on Thursday.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Provost and Senior Vice President for
Academic Affairs
Barbara M. Albert
Executive Assistant to the Provost
Office of Academic Affairs
(504) 816-4216 (office)
(504) 816-4144 (fax)

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