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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Call for Comment on Accrediting Organizations Scheduled for CHEA Recognition Review







These organizations will be reviewed at the November 25-26, 2013 meeting of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) Committee on Recognition. Third-party comment must be received in the CHEA office no later than October 15, 2013 and may be submitted by mail, fax or email to:

Council for Higher Education Accreditation
One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 510, Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-955-6126 - Fax: 202-955-6129 - Email:

The Committee on Recognition meeting will take place at One Dupont Circle, Level 1B in Conference Room A.


CHEA recognition review includes an opportunity for parties independent of the accrediting organization under review to comment on whether the organization meets the CHEA recognition standards. Third-party comment may be either oral or written and is limited to the accrediting organization's efforts to meet the CHEA recognition standards. This may include commentary from many different sources, such as other accrediting organizations, institutions and programs, or professional or higher education associations. The comments will assist the CHEA Committee on Recognition as it considers the applications for recognition. A list of the committee on recognition members is provided here.

CHEA staff will review any third-party comment to assess its applicability to the recognition review. As provided in the 2006 and 2010 CHEA Recognition Policy and Procedures, third-party comments are reviewed by the CHEA Committee on Recognition.

"THIRD-PARTY COMMENT. Third-party comment may be either oral or written and is limited to the accrediting organization's efforts to meet the CHEA recognition standards.  All third parties requesting the opportunity to make comment related to an accrediting organization's recognition review are to notify CHEA staff and provide the names and affiliations of the persons requesting the opportunity to make third-party comment and a description of the organization(s) they represent. CHEA staff will review third-party requests for oral or written comment for completeness and applicability to eligibility and recognition standards.

Third parties who wish to appear for oral comment before the CHEA Committee on Recognition are to provide an outline of the proposed oral comment.  Where in the judgment of the Committee doing so may be useful, the Committee may invite third parties to appear before the Committee.  The accrediting organization will receive the outline of the proposed oral comment of third parties invited to appear.  Accrediting organizations will have the opportunity to review and respond to proposed oral comment.

Third parties wishing to make written comment are to provide the text of the third-party comment.  After review by CHEA staff, written comment will be provided to the Committee and the accrediting organization.  Accrediting organizations will have the opportunity to review and respond to written comment.

Third parties are to provide an outline of their oral comment or the text of their written comment in sufficient time to provide for review by CHEA staff, review and response by the accrediting organization, and for the outline or text to be provided to the Committee.

CHEA staff will notify all concerned parties of the location, date, and time of the public presentation."

Posted: August 27, 2013      

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