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Monday, April 16, 2012

The Donald H. Wulff Diversity Travel Fellowships Program – to support their travel to the annual 2012 POD Conference in Seattle (October 24-28, 2012)

The Donald H. Wulff Diversity Travel Fellowships Program
To support their travel to the annual 2012 POD Conference in Seattle (October 24-28, 2012)
From Sandra Sgoutas-Emch, Ph.D., the POD Diversity Committee Grants Program Coordinator at Univerity of San Diego:

The Donald H. Wulff Diversity Travel Fellowships Program seeks to increase participation by people from historically underrepresented racial and ethnic groups in the U.S. and individuals from underrepresented institutions in the field of educational development (here used as an umbrella term to encompass what may also be called faculty development, TA development, instructional development, organizational development, etc.). Named to honor the memory of an early supporter of the Diversity Committee, Donald H. Wulff, the travel grant program awards up to $1,000 to individuals (and up to $2,000 for teams of two or more) to support their travel to the annual POD Conference. The 2012 POD Conference is in Seattle, Washington, on October 24-28, 2012.

The POD Diversity Committee gives preference to individuals who would join POD and contribute to its mission over the long term as well as those with particular interests in questions of diversity in educational development. Former grant recipients who have not received more than one award in the past may also apply for a second grant, with priority consideration being given to second-time applicants who have remained active members of POD’s Diversity Committee. Underrepresented institutions include, but are not limited to, the following: 1) Historically Black Colleges and Universities, 2) Native American Tribal Colleges, 3) Hispanic Serving Institutions or Hispanic Area Colleges and Institutions, and 4) Minority Serving Institutions (or those aspiring to become MSIs).
POD Diversity Committee 2012 Donald H. Wulff Travel Fellowship SEEKERS

To Apply for the 2012 Donald H. Wulff Diversity Travel Fellowships:
The deadline for applications is Friday, May 25th, 2012 by 5 p.m. EDT. Due to time constraints, no late proposals will be reviewed. Awardees will be contacted in July 2012.

Applications for the grants should be sent via email attachment to Sandra Sgoutas-Emch, Coordinator–POD Diversity Committee Grants Program, at

Applications should address the following points of information:
* Have you received a POD DC Travel Grant in the past? If so, what year?
* Please address your eligibility for the travel fellowship: whether you are applying as an underrepresented individual or as someone from an underrepresented institution.
* Please describe your interest and/or experience in educational development and experience with diversity initiatives on your campus.
* How will you benefit from attending the POD conference and how do you hope to share these benefits with others at your institution?
* How might POD benefit from your membership and attendance and how do you hope to contribute to the organization in the future?
* Please explain your financial need and the type of institutional support you may already have to attend this conference. Please indicate if and when you have already received a travel grant award.

A Recommended Component: If you know a current member of POD who is willing to write a brief letter of support on your behalf, please include the letter with your application.

Please note that awardees will be required to do the following:
* to prepare a poster or flyer handout that summarizes the diversity-related educational development work done on his or her campus to be shared during the Diversity Committee-sponsored session for grant recipients at the conference

Issues applicants frequently ask about:
* One must become a member of POD to attend the conference and register for the conference. However, membership dues are covered by the grant (see below).
* While the grant does not cover the full cost of attending the conference, it does help defray a significant portion of the costs.
* Costs that are deducted from the travel grant prior to the conference include the following: membership dues, the conference registration fee (which includes some meals), and optional workshop fees. After these costs are deducted, the remainder of the $1000 grant is awarded in a check payable to the recipient’s institution. This check is given to the grant recipient at the conference and can be used to help defray costs for travel, lodging, and non-conference meals.
For more information, contact Sandra Sgoutas-Emch, Coordinator–POD Diversity Committee Grants Program, at, or Lindsay Bernhagen, Assistant Coordinator—POD Diversity Committee Travel Fellowships Program, at

Visit the POD web site additional information about POD grants, the organizational mission, and conference schedules.
Additional information on the application process, proposal elements, timeline, review criteria, and FAQs can be found on the Diversity Committee site through the WikiPODia site for POD.
I am a music professor, faculty development champion, SoTL practitioner mentor and trainer, technology geek, fulbright alum, cultural ambassador, digital explorer, artist, and observer with a passion for Irish land- and seascapes, music and literature, Blasket Island people and culture, and the sea.


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