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Monday, May 14, 2012

Register Now for CHEA's 2012 Summer Workshop

2012 CHEA Summer Workshop Logo

Council for Higher
Education Accreditation
One Dupont Circle NW
Suite 510
Washington, DC 20036
(tel) 202-955-6126
(fax) 202-955-6129


CHEA 2012 Summer Workshop

Accreditation Today and Challenges of Tomorrow
June 21 - 22, 2012

Washington Marriott Hotel
1221 22nd Street, NW - Washington, DC
CHEA has obtained a special guest room rate of $239 per night (single/double) at the conference hotel. This rate is available only until the room block is filled. Make your reservation now by calling (202) 972-1500 or use the online reservation form (the group code "cmecmea" is already entered on the online reservation form).

Each year, CHEA's Summer Workshop brings together attendees from colleges and universities, accrediting organizations, government, higher education associations and the public to address key issues facing

preliminary program for the 2012 Summer Workshop, including times and topics for sessions,
is available on the CHEA Website. You can register by mail, fax or online.

Sessions at the Summer Workshop will address:

·         Congress and accreditation
·         Accreditation, the NACIQI report and the upcoming reauthorization of the Higher Education Act
·         State authorization and accreditation
·         Student performance and responsibilities of accreditation
·         Data collection and accreditation
·         Outside-the-system credits and degrees

Register now to be a part of the conversation on the challenges and opportunities ahead for accreditation.

A national advocate and institutional voice for self-regulation of academic quality through accreditation,
CHEA is an association of 3,000 degree-granting colleges and universities and recognizes 60 institutional and programmatic accrediting organizations. For more information, visit CHEA's Website at 


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