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Monday, March 22, 2010

DU ADVISING: Summer and Fall Academic Advising and Registration BEGINS TODAY - March 22nd, 2010

Greetings, again!

This email serves as a reminder that Summer and Fall 2010 Advising and Registration begins on Monday, March 22nd. The list of advisees was mailed to divisions on March 3rd, along with a request to contact students immediately (see the original email below).

All faculty advisors are expected to be available (with exception of class, posted meetings and lunch between 9:00am and 5:00pm, Monday, March 22nd through Friday, March 26th. Advising will continue well beyond this period; however, this is the allotted time in the 2009-2010 Academic Calendar.

In preparation for this event, I am attaching the Advising Appointment Request Template, Advising Syllabus and the Advising Survey (which will be administered in April). This semester, students can enter their schedule during their advising visit as soon as their assigned faculty advisor removes the registration hold. The policies and procedures for advising students are as follows:

1. Place the Advising Appointment Request on your door (template attached, for your convenience). Availability must reflect times that are convenient for students. All faculty are expected to be available the entire week of advising (Monday through Friday, from 9:00am – 5:00pm) with the exception of classes, lunch and meetings.
2. Contact your assigned advisees and encourage them to sign-up for early advising (lists were emailed on March 3rd). Students have been instructed to bring (1) their Catalog; (2) a Printout of Course History; (3) a Printout of Program Grid w/Grade History and (4) a Course Request Form.
3. When the student arrives, ask him/her to sign-in to MyDU to access their Course History.
4. Both the student as well as the faculty advisor must observe the following policies and procedures:
     a. Students must complete the General Education requirements before moving into major courses, registering for at least 15 hours of core courses.
     b. All core courses and course repeats must have been successfully completed before assigning any upper-class or major-specific courses.
     c. Register for DU901 or DU902 (not both) as well as Assembly.
     d. No-Science majors should register for no more than one science course and its lab (if applicable).
     e. Students with less than a 2.0 GPA should register for no more than 12 – 14 hours.
5. Ensure that a student has earned a minimum “C” grade in Foreign Language Courses before assigning them to the next level. Students should register as follows:
     a. all seniors should register for the courses with the “0” (i.e., 101, 102, 201 or 202);
     b. most juniors should register for the courses with the “0” (see your catalog); and
     c. all freshmen and sophomore should register for the courses with the number “2” (i.e., 121, 122, 221 or 222)
5. After the student and faculty advisor agree on and enter the courses in the Course Request Form, allow the student to enter and confirm the schedule in MyDU. This means that students can enter their courses in one visit.
6. The student should print a copy for their own file as well as one for the advisor. The Course Request Form should be signed by both student and faculty advisor, indicating that it is the mutually agreed upon schedule for the summer and/or fall.
7. The student and faculty advisor should sign and date the Course Request Form and the advisor should keep the Form as well as a copy of the schedule.
8. Ensure that the student logs out of MyDU.

*This concludes the advising process. Encourage students to complete the registration process by satisfying their financial obligations before the deadlines.*
From: Morelon-Quainoo, Carla L. (Dr.)
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 12:08 PM
Subject: ADVISING: Summer and Fall Academic Advising and Registration/List of Advisees

As you are aware, the Summer and Fall 2010 Advising and Registration process begins on March 22nd. All faculty should expect to receive additional information early next week. In the interim, I am attaching the list of advisees in the Division. Expect more details early next week.

Given the many concerns about academic advising and retention, I encourage faculty to participate in advising workshops and to schedule a group meeting with advisees asap. In addition, the faculty advisor should also schedule individual meetings to review students’ academic progress. Based on the common concerns that the Office of Academic Affairs receives from students on a regular basis, we offer the following suggestions:

1. Reach out to your Advisees asap. Group advising is effective when discussing general or new information about the department, major and graduation requirements, etc. All are encouraged to meet their advisees for lunch, in a meeting space, etc. Course schedules should be created during individual meetings.
2. Post an Advising Appointment Sign-In Sheet on your door asap. Students must have an opportunity to schedule a meeting time with their assigned faculty advisor. Advisorcan also access their advisees via MyDU to schedule appointments. We want to remove the perception that some advisors are unavailable, un-accessible or un-approachable (or all the above).
3. When the advisee arrives, determine the appropriate catalog to advise the student. Before advising a student, ask by which catalog they should be advised. Students who have been readmitted after a year of absence will be required to use the catalog in the year of readmission.
4. Review the student’s course history. Faculty can access this information via MyDU to identify any unique needs. Converse with the student to determine the best course of action based on their academic history and future.
5. Engage in conversation with the student to ascertain their unique needs. Refrain from simply signing or dictating schedules for students (especially freshmen, readmits and probationary/reduced load students) without any conversation.

I am attaching a few support documents to help with the advising process. The Advising Syllabus outlines the students’ as well as the advisors’ rights and responsibilities along with other important information. According to the faculty handbook, faculty advising is one of the many responsibilities for which faculty are held accountable. Along those lines, the ACT Advisor Survey will be administered in April and will become a part of the faculty member’s file.

Thank you in advance for your support and please contact me with any questions. Have a great week!

Carla Morelon-Quainoo, PhD
Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment/Advising
National Director, Global Issues Honors Consortium
LOCATION: Dent Hall, Room 109
PHONE: 504-816-4788

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