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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement Volume 16(1), March 2012

The mission of the Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement (JHEOE) is to serve as the premier peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal to advance theory and practice related to all forms of outreach and engagement between higher education institutions and communities.
This includes highlighting innovative endeavors; critically examining emerging issues, trends, challenges, and opportunities; and reporting on studies of impact in the areas of public service, outreach, engagement, extension, engaged research, community-based research, community-based participatory research, action research, public scholarship, service-learning, and community service.

Volume 16(1), March 2012

16(1) is a thematic issue edited by Trish Kalivoda, senior associate vice president for public service and outreach at the University of Georgia and guest edited by Sarena Seifer, executive director of Community-Campus Partnerships for Health.

Table of Contents

Entire Issue

Volume 16(1), March 2012PDF

Editorial Board

Front cover and Editorial BoardPDF

Note from the Editor

From the EditorPDF
Trish Kalivoda 1-4

Section One: Faculty for the Engaged Campus National Initiative

Faculty for the Engaged Campus: Advancing Community-Engaged Careers in the AcademyPDF
Sarena D. Seifer, Lynn W. Blanchard, Catherine Jordan, Sherril Gelmon, Piper McGinley 5-20
Building Capacity for Community-Engaged Scholarship: Evaluation of the Faculty Development Component of the Faculty for the Engaged Campus InitiativePDF
Sherril Gelmon, Katherine Ryan, Lynn Blanchard, Sarena D. Seifer 21-46 A Web-Based Mechanism for Disseminating Peer-Reviewed Products of Community-Engaged Scholarship: Reflections on Year OnePDF
Catherine Jordan, Sherril Gelmon, Katherine Ryan, Sarena D. Seifer 47-64

Section Two: Faculty for the Engaged Campus Funded Sites

Competency-Based Faculty Development in Community-Engaged Scholarship: A Diffusion of Innovation ApproachPDF
Catherine Jordan, Rhonda Jones-Webb, Nancy Cook, Gail Dubrow, Tai J. Mendenhall, William J. Doherty 65-96
Engaged Scholarship at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Campus Integration and Faculty DevelopmentPDF
Lynn W. Blanchard, Ronald P. Strauss, Lucille Webb 97-128
Reflections on Community-Engaged Scholarship Faculty Development and Institutional IdentityPDF
Jane M. Hamel-Lambert, Judith L. Millesen, Lynn M. Harter, Karen Slovak 129-148
Institutionalization of Community-Engaged Scholarship at Institutions that are both Land-Grant and Research UniversitiesPDF
Audrey J. Jaeger, Jessica Katz Jameson, Patti Clayton 149-170

Section Three: 2010 Community-Engaged Scholarship Conference: Critical Junctures in Research, Practice, and Policy

Community-Engaged Scholarship: Critical Junctures in Research, Practice, and PolicyPDF
Lisa Wenger, Linda Hawkins, Sarena D. Seifer 171-182
A Needs Assessment Informs Development of a Participatory Research Faculty Development WorkshopPDF
Jon Salsberg, Robbyn Seller, Laura Shea, Ann C. Macaulay 183-194
Reflection on 10 Years of Community-Engaged Scholarship in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems at the University of British Columbia-VancouverPDF
Alejandro Rojas, Yona Sipos, Will Valley 195-214

Book Reviews

The Obesity Culture: Strategies for Change— Public Health and University-Community PartnershipsPDF
Marilyn Corbin 215-218
Participatory Partnerships for Social Action and ResearchPDF
Louis D. Brown 219-224
Handbook of Engaged Scholarship: Contemporary Landscapes, Future Directions: Volume 1: Institutional Change, and Volume 2: Community-Campus PartnershipsPDF
A. Scott Reed 225-230

Submission Guidelines

Submission GuidelinesPDF

Back Cover

Back CoverPDF


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